"Mikeeeeey. I love you so much."


A loud shot interrupted the moment as Michael slipped his mask back on and got up. That voice sounded like it belonged to Corey.


"Y/n! Where are you?"

"At the water."

The way the water rushed down stream, carrying a whole damn tree with it, was quite loud. This was risky because it appeared to be a straight drop in if you got close enough. The way the current moved, there was no way to pull yourself out. I stood up, drenched in water, looking around for Corey. Moments later, he appeared in front of us, panting.

"The boy. Did you get him?"

Looking back to where Nathan's dead body was, it was gone. The current must have taken it.

"Michael got him. What happened to you?"

"Ah, it's not a big deal. I don't get how he got out of the basement because he didn't come up the stairs at all."

"That's strange. Maybe there's a secret passageway or something."

"That'd be damn awesome if there was. I think we should all head back."

"Yeah, good idea."

I really wanted to get Michael a ring too. Nathan didn't have a ring on him, so I'm going to check the other two bodies to see if they have one. The way back was fairly silent except for the birds' chirping and the squirrels' chittering. There was no way I was ever leaving here. This was my dream place. It wouldn't be if Michael wasn't here. There was this burning passion I had for him that would never go away. And I knew he felt the same way about me. Nothing could ever keep us apart now. Our love for each other was way too strong.

"You ok, Y/n?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Once we got back home, I was expecting the house to be full of blood, but it wasn't.

"Thanks for cleaning the house."

"It was the least I could do. For all you've done for me."

I might as well check out the basement. It's not like I have anything else to do now. Opening the door, darkness greeted me. As I walked down the steps, I pulled the string, turning the lights on. The basement was just a square space about 20 by 20 feet with the staircase in the middle. There had to be a secret entrance somewhere. But I had no idea where to start looking. Looking around, dust was scattered on almost every single household item. This needed a heavy cleaning to make it look decent down here. Looking closely at the walls, I noticed an uneven piece of brick on the far right wall, around in the middle. It was sticking out like it wanted to be taken out. Placing my hands around it, I pull it out. There was a string inside. Pulling the string, the wall started opening beside me to the left, revealing a dark, creepy passageway. The steps looked looked like they desended forever. This was probably the worst idea I've ever had, but I was going to do it anyway. I took a deep breath, and I finally moved myself to the first step. It went straight ahead, so there were no winding stairs. Taking another step, and my eye had finally adjusted to the darkness before me. It was only about 15 steps. It only looked like it went on forever because of the darkness. A white switch in visible sight sat on the wall to my right. When I flipped it, the old, dusty lightbulbs on the ceiling came on. About 5 feet apart. The light was not bright at all; it was only visible enough to see about 4 feet in front of me at a time.

Continuing my way through, it was all straight ahead; there were no other ways to turn. After about a minute of walking, the tunnel is blocked off with a ladder and what appears to be a trap door. Climbing up the ladder, I lift the door upward, peeking my head outside. What surprised me was seeing another cabin. This one was way smaller in size. More for a single person. The front had a patio with a rocking chair beside the front door. This was so weird. Coming up out of the tunnel, I take a quick look at my surroundings before going to the house. There was nothing else in sight except for trees everywhere. There's no way someone would just leave this house here with a secret tunnel leading to another house. Something weird is going on, and I was going to get to the bottom of it. Back home, I never paid attention to things around the house; maybe I can find pieces that connect to reveal who lived in both of these houses. I'm going to go back to get Corey before I go in there. Maybe there was a serial killer watching me from the window. The thought terrified me as I made my way back home through the tunnel. Someone could have grabbed me, and Michael would never see me again. Yeah, Corey is coming, whether he likes it or not.

Going back up stairs I let the passage way open as I couldn't find a way to close it back up.

"Corey, where are you?"

He wasn't in the kitchen or living room.


Noticing his door was shut he was probably in there.

"Are you in your room?"

"Yes, sorry. Come in."

I enter Corey's room to see him looking through drawers. I spot a picture frame on the dresser. Inspecting it freaked me out as there was a person wearing all black with a buck's head.

"What the fuck is this?"

"I don't know, I found it inside the drawer."

Picking it up, I flipped it over. The initials read "E.V"

"Hmmm. E.V..... We have all the time in the world to figure out this mystery."

I slapped the frame back on the dresser.

"So, I found out how that person got out."

"Nice, let's go."

"Seems like you're excited about this."

"Hell yeah, I am. Race you!"

Corey was already out the door and down into the basement. He, of course, beat me.

"Did you see where Michael went?"

"Nope. Probably went to kill stupid people around here."

I laugh at his response as he notices the wall.

"How did you do that?"

"The brick was pushing out, and there was a string behind it that I pulled, opening that."

"That's some crazy shit, Y/n."

"You first."

"What? Too chicken?"

"No, I've already been through it. Come on, go."

I followed behind Corey as he stopped every second over a small noise.

"Corey, it will take us a year to reach the end at this point."

He picked up his speed, not wanting to take any longer. Once we got to the ladder, Corey made me go up first. Once we were both out, he saw the small cabin. Corey runs up to it and tries to open the door. He messes around with it a few more times before going to the window beside the door opening it. It went straight up.

"I found us a way in."

Corey went in first. Then I did. Now it was time to put this mystery to rest.

Michael Myers x  Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now