(Chapter 60) A true hero.

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Undyne is having difficulty standing on her feet. You slowly approach her. She stares at you.

UND: *grunt* How can I lose?!
RHT: Your first mistake was fighting me, guard.
UND: How can I, Undyne, lose to such a filthy human?! No! I have to persist for the others!
RHT: Farewell Undyne of the underground.

You slash undynes chest open. She slowly starts fading away. You turn around and start walking away.

 You turn around and start walking away

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Undyne forces herself back on her feet

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Undyne forces herself back on her feet. Summoning one last spear with whatever is left of her power.

RHT: What are you planning to do with one spear?
UND: Who said I'm going to use it on you?
RHT: Huh?!
UND: Take a good look at it.
RHT: It can't be! Why can I sense determination coming from them?!
UND: It's now or never.

Undyne thrusts the spear through her own soul. A bright light blocks your vision. You unsheathe your blade. The dissipation of the light reveals a warrior. Undynes' body is falling apart but the determination you sense from them is tremendous.

RHT: So this is your full power? It won't make a diff-
UND: Less talking, more fighting.

Undyne punches you across the face, throwing you across the battlefield. You grab your blade and stand back up. You dash towards undyne, swinging your blade rapidly. Undyne spins her spear and block every one of your attacks. She thrusts her spear forwards but you dodge and elbow her back.

UND: I'm suprised you can keep up with someone who bears determination.
RHT: I see you've misunderstood. Determination is a characteristic of despair. Now, fathom my power.

You thrust your blade into the ground and charge up energy, causing the ground to explode upwards. You redirect the debris. Undyne smashes through them and gets close. She throws her spear. You dodge.

RHT: (Impossible. I hold my ego so high yet I trip on the debris that I caused. How embarrassing. That spear is going to pierce me through the head if I don't do something! But what can I do in such a short time frame?!)

The spear is ready to pierce you through your eye.

RHT: Huh?! What is this?
CHAR: I can't let you die yet Rhett! Now get back up!
RHT: You can interact with things?!
CHAR: I'll explain later. Now fight!

Charoline barely managed to stop the spear in its' tracks, saving you in the process.

RHT: I have to end this quickly before the knights come! It seems like I have to use it.

RHT: I have to end this quickly before the knights come! It seems like I have to use it

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UND: I won't let you!

The ground is covered in your signature grey goo

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The ground is covered in your signature grey goo. Undyne floats into the air. You summon tentacles from the ground at Undyne. A massive amount of energy is being used. Undyne forms a massive spear fueled by determination and thrusts it into the ground, completely cleansing your soularias' effect.

RHT: Impossible. To think someone other than the knights can use soularia, let alone beat mine.
UND: Pretty suprised, huh? Could it be you're afraid?
RHT: I think you're missing something, undyne. You may have cleared my effect on the field... temporarily.
UND: What?!
RHT: Special purgatory doesn't stop its' efforts until its' target is neutralized. Now die!

Tentacles break through the ground and injure Undyne. Slowly turning to dust, undyne throws one last spear. You catch it.

RHT: It's over undyne.

You thrust undynes spear through her head. She turns to dust. Your purgatory retreats.

End of Chapter 60
"A true hero"

SOULTALE | By ShadowNTSWhere stories live. Discover now