Chapter 57.

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Louis wakes up with a severe headache, but all his discomfort seems to evaporate as soon as he opens his eyes and sees Harry's beautiful figure beside him. The younger boy's body remains naked, just like his own. He feels a discomfort in his private parts, and notices that the used condom is still there. He immediately disposes of it, placing it on the nightstand to throw it away later.

Harry breaths slow, and Louis finds reassurance as he watches him sleep. Anyone would think he's a sick stalker, but Louis can't help himself, can't stop staring at him. He's gorgeous. With his tousled hair, his lips a deep pink, swollen from biting them so much, his pale body with some remnants of what happened the night before.

Louis smiles at the memory of the wonderful experience. He had never touched another man before, much less gotten intimate. But this has certainly been by far the best sex of his life. It's amazing how none of those girls gave him as much pleasure as Harry did in one night. Louis felt pleasure in watching him gasp, in hearing him moan and scream loudly, in touching his soft, delicate porcelain skin, in kissing his full moist lips, in feeling him all around him, tight and warm. Louis felt pleasure in knowing it was Harry, just from that alone. It made him feel like no one else ever had, and he didn't have to do much, he just had to be him.

Louis didn't have time to enjoy it like he would have liked, however, he didn't have time to do much, the time was too short for him, and he blames himself for being so fucking precocious. He couldn't prolong it, it felt so good, and Louis was experiencing such pleasure that it was impossible to prolong it much longer. He had wanted Harry for so long, that having him there, exposed, surrendered, pleading, he simply couldn't hold out any longer. Although Harry was no slouch either, he couldn't seem to control all the emotions and sensations, he was literally delirious, not knowing where to place his hands or legs. Harry seemed lost in time and space. Louis smiles at the memory. His cute and cuddly boyfriend.

He grabs the thick sheet and covers Harry's beautiful body with it. The boy moves a few inches, only to snuggle into Louis' chest, and he smiles without realizing it, welcoming him gladly, planting a kiss on his head and encircling him in a warm embrace.

The last thing Louis remembers is falling into bed, asleep. The level of ecstasy in his body was of such a magnitude that he couldn't stay awake after the orgasm. He doesn't even know what happened to Harry afterwards, to Liam, or to Jimena. He just fell into a deep sleep without being aware of anything. He couldn't even talk to Harry about what happened, and he hates himself for that, it wasn't his intention to fall asleep. His purpose was to show Harry that the union between two people was not what he had been believing, he wanted to be awake at all times, dedicating words of love to him until the last moment, and so he did, he kept repeating to him how much he loved him, even though Harry was not able to answer something coherent, but Louis was telling him anyway. And everything was going well, until he fell asleep without being able to cuddle with him and tell him how wonderful it had all been.

Louis hadn't done that with anyone.

After sex, he would simply disengage with the girls. The love was over. It was momentary. Louis never had the desire to love them, or to cuddle with them after being intimate. This little guilt he feels about falling asleep without talking to Harry or even kissing him, he hadn't felt it before.

Louis worries extremely. He hates imagining Harry after sex, vulnerable, maybe scared, alone, needing a comforting hug, needing him. And he hates knowing he missed all that, that he left him alone. Who falls asleep? Harry will think the worst, knowing him as well as he does.

"Good morning." A husky voice pulls him out of his thoughts. Harry purrs against his chest, and Louis tightens his embrace around him.

"Are you okay? N-nothing hurts? Sorry, I just fell asleep, sorry." He apologizes, without loosening his grip.

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