Chapter 5.

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They arrive at Louis' room and push the door without knocking first.

"What the fuck..." Louis groans as his friends barge into his personal space. He's very angry about arguing with his girlfriend less than two hours ago, and he's not in the mood to take any more. Liam looks at him reproachfully.

"Louis Tomlinson, if you didn't want to hang out with us yesterday, all you had to do was say so." Louis doesn't know what he's talking about. "You didn't have to make up a maid story." Now he gets it. Oh, hell.

"I can explain everything..." Zayn interrupts him.

"Where's that hot new maid you were talking about? We just saw a guy cleaning downstairs. A boy. And there's absolutely nothing sexy about him." Louis covers his face with both hands to hide his embarrassment.

"I know. It was a punishment from my mom, stop picking on me about it." He speaks without taking his hands away from his face. Zayn and Liam however let out a loud laugh that makes Louis even angrier.

"I can't believe it. Your mom hired a boy as a maid?" Louis frowns as he nods and Zayn continues to laugh non-stop.

"Well, come on! Leave me alone."

"Your mom is the best." Liam laughs. Louis wants to kill them both.

"It's not funny, my situation is not funny at all." He says as he plops down on the bed. "My mom has never done anything like this to me before."

"Look on the bright side." Zayn can't hold back his laughter. Louis is really pissed off.

"There's no bright side on this." Zayn angrily respects him.

"Yeah, you're right." More laughter fills the space. Louis can't stand such humiliation.

"He's a good guy, he's not that bad either, it's not his fault that my mom decided to hire him to give me a punishment, I think he's very happy with the job." He comments referring to Harry.

"Is he very happy cleaning?" Zayn asks incredulously. Louis nods, though he's not entirely sure. "Let's go check it out. Would you mind if I messed up your room?" Louis is about to protest when Zayn starts messing up the whole room, and messes up the floor by tipping over the ashtray and sprinkling cigarette ashes all over the floor.

"DON'T DO THAT! HE JUST CLEANED UP YESTERDAY!" He shouts in frustration at the sight of the mess. But it's too late as Zayn throws the soda on the floor, dropping the liquid. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

"Houseboy!" He manages to exclaim before being attacked by a furious Louis.

Harry is able to hear the scream, as his phone had run out of battery and he now had to plug it into a charger. He's not sure he recognizes the voice that called him from upstairs, and frowns because that's definitely not Louis' voice. He waits a couple of minutes until the same voice calls back.

"Houseboy!" Harry hurries up the stairs, a little dismayed.

He follows the voice until he is in front of Louis' room, and opens the door slowly.

"Did y-you call me?" The three boys look at him carefully, Louis feels guilty because he will have to clean up again and everything he did yesterday won't have been worth it.

"Yes," Zayn replies with a smirk. Harry is more than blush, it only takes looking at Louis to make him blush and his heart start pounding. "The soda spilled on the floor, and there's a lot of ashes along the carpet as well." Harry frowns, he's sure he's cleaned the carpet very well, but he doesn't argue with the brunet.

"You don't have to." Louis says suddenly before Harry leaves the room to fetch the mop and broom.

"It's okay, that's my job." Louis doesn't answer when Harry leaves and closes the door.

Houseboy ➳ Larry AU |English|Where stories live. Discover now