Chapter 8.

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Harry kept his word not to talk to Louis for the rest of the week, and Louis didn't insist much on starting a conversation after Harry practically ran him out of his room, in his own house. It was unheard of, and it really hurt the boy's pride, no way would he try to initiate another conversation with the younger boy.

"Well, let's go from the top, again." The instructor indicates, and all the dancers make a circle around Harry.

They open the circle by hunching their backs and bowing their heads as they tiptoe backwards, and Harry begins to twirl in the middle of them, one, two, three, four turns, chin up, smile intact, and his arms raised as he spins. He is a star, and Miss Collin is very proud to be his instructor.

All the dancers form up behind Harry and he leaps, twirling in the air and landing on his toes. The rest of the dancers mimic him.

"Brianna! Feet on tiptoe! Watch Harry, learn from him. I don't know how many times I have to tell you to straighten your knee, girl!"

Everyone stops dancing to look at Brianna, who quickly lowers her head in embarrassment. They have stopped dancing three times because of her.

"Come on, let's start from the beginning one more time. The dance has to be perfect, remember we will be competing with professional dancers, it's a national competition, we have to be in the top five at least. I know Harry could get first place, but what about you? You can't leave all the work to Harry, you have to help him, that's why you are a team. If you don't choreograph perfectly by the end of the class, then I will fail the group dance, and Harry will have a solo at nationals. That's all I'll say."

Harry fiddles with his hands, uncomfortable at having all eyes on him. It's not his fault he's his instructor's favorite, he doesn't want to cancel the group dance, he doesn't want to be selfish to the other dancers, he doesn't want to earn the hatred of his classmates by taking away their chance to succeed. It's simply not his fault.

The dancers try much harder after hearing the instructor's harsh words. Harry is relieved that he won't be the only one dancing in the national competition, he wants to dance with his team, it's not fair to dance alone and steal the whole show. He's not that kind of person who gets his kicks by making others suffer.... Unless it's Brianna, because she's always looking for ways to make Harry suffer.

"What do you think of the dance, Harry?" Asks Collin whispering as she approaches the boy. Harry stops drinking water and looks up to see his instructor with a tired smile.

"I think everyone has visibly improved, we can win the competition." He answers hoping to convince her, but she doesn't seem too sure.

"You think so? You could dance alone if they bother you, I don't want them to ruin the performance for you." Harry shakes his head.

"No, they don't bother me. I couldn't dance alone, I don't want to be selfish with the others. They all want to dance in the competition, let them dance." He says sincerely. The girls are good dancers, you should trust them a little.

"All right, I just wanted to hear your opinion."

"I don't have to decide anything, you are the instructor, you have the last word." She smiles seeing the boy's nerves.

"Don't worry, Harry, you'll be the star of the ball. You're the only one I can count on."

Harry walks crestfallen down the street, and Michael doesn't know what to do to cheer him up, so he decides to break the ice and take his hand. The curly-haired boy is surprised to feel the contact, and looks up to observe the boy next to him, without pulling his hand away.

"Why aren't you smiling as usual?" he asks simply. Harry sighs.

"I don't know, there's a lot on my mind. The competition, my job, the rent I have to pay at the end of the month. I'm so worried about everything. I feel like I'm going to fail..."

Houseboy ➳ Larry AU |English|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon