Chapter 47.

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The next day -Saturday morning- Louis wakes up wet, his bed is damp and so are the sheets. It had been a long time since Louis had had a wet dream. The night before he had been with Harry, and he had felt him so close. He couldn't help but dream about his nice ass all night, and this was the result he got.

He gets up feeling very sorry to see all the mess he made with his cum, he hadn't even touched himself during the night, how did this happen? It was just a dream, he never actually saw Harry's naked ass. His mind played dirty tricks on him.

He quickly pulls the sheets off, before Harry does and he can see the mess of white liquid spread over the sheets. Louis would have to explain to him what happened, and he really doesn't want to tell him that he'd been dreaming about his naked ass. That wouldn't be nice to hear, and it wouldn't be nice to tell either. No. Louis doesn't want to scare him, and the night before he seemed too scared of his closeness, literally. Understandably, he's been used and about to be raped twice in a row. He doesn't want to imagine Harry thinking he just wants to use him too. Louis doesn't want to use him, he wants to love him. They are different things that can become confused by the simple fact that sex is included. Harry can misunderstand him very easily because he has never been truly loved.

It's hard to believe that someone like Harry hasn't received true love his whole life, that he's not able to distinguish between being loved and being used. It's very sad to think about that. A person used to pain, rejection, and disappointment, will always be prepared to receive the worst, even if he has the best by his side, he will always be expecting bad things to happen, because that's how he's used to it. His self-defense levels are easily triggered by any situation he considers a threat.

Most impressive of all, he still retains his innocence, and continues to wait patiently for his own fairy tale and prince charming. What he doesn't know is that he has already found him, and he is right under his nose. He won't know, until Louis lets him know tho. He'll go out of his way to let him know.


Harry wakes up looking around and feeling around the bed, but Louis is gone, as usual, he never wakes up next to him, he always slips out in the wee hours of the morning.

He sighs deeply before getting up and stretching his muscles a bit. He thinks about the night before and a slight pout forms on his lips. He threw him the hint without preamble, and yet Louis didn't ask the question. He definitely doesn't want to have him as a boyfriend, he must want sex and nothing else. What else could he think if someone wants to touch his body and use it But he doesn't want to start a relationship? There is no other answer.

It's very sad to think that Louis is that kind of person. Harry doesn't want to believe it, he is madly in love with Louis. His badly wounded heart won't be able to take another disappointment. No. Louis is not like that. He's not like them. He can't be, please don't. Harry shakes his head, chasing away the bad thoughts from his subconscious.

He's just waiting for the perfect moment. Yes, that must be it.

But when will the perfect moment be?

"Harry, you're wanted here." He hears Jimena's voice and runs to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Just a minute!" He exclaims from the bathroom.

After doing all his business in the bathroom, he leaves the room, running towards the stairs.

A giant grin takes over his face when he sees his best friend sitting on one of the kitchen stools.

"Jenn!" he shouts as he approaches the girl. She stands up to support him, knowing that his next move would be to jump on her.

He wraps his legs around his best friend, circling her just like a koala would. Jenn can almost hold him, but it doesn't bother her, she had missed that furball so much. They saw each other a few days ago at the academy, but she didn't have enough time to tell him about everything going on in her life lately.

Houseboy ➳ Larry AU |English|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora