Chapter 46.

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Harry keeps his head down, feeling foolish all of a sudden, even feeling humiliated because Louis' parents really went out of their way to greet them with a big welcome and a big lunch, he got to feel like family, but Louis changed all that in a heartbeat, and yes, ruined lunch for Harry too. Louis' comment snapped him abruptly back to reality, chasing away the hunger and any trace of happiness in Harry. He wants to get up from the table and stealthily hide, because he definitely doesn't like to show his face in humiliating moments like this. He feels so embarrassed and ridiculed. Why is Louis doing this?

Louis immediately notices the radical change in the younger boy's face, and he curses mentally, analyzing his previous words. It was stupid, a stupid and unnecessary comment for the occasion, his comment makes no sense since both of them daily kiss like boyfriends, spoil each other like boyfriends, talk to each other like boyfriends, take care of each other like boyfriends, support each other like boyfriends, and do everything together like boyfriends, which automatically makes them boyfriends even if they haven't made it official.... But Louis had to make it clear that they aren't, shattering all of Harry's expectations. Louis feels so stupid, he literally just made it clear that he doesn't want a courtship with him, what did he just do? Of course he wants Harry as a boyfriend, he wants him all to himself.

Louis clears his throat, thinking of something to remedy the mistake.

"The thing is that I wanted to talk it over with you guys before starting any relationship with Harry, I wouldn't start a relationship behind your back. I have better plans and I want to do everything right as he deserves." He clarifies. Johannah looks at Mark, and they both have a confused expression. Johannah feels sad and Mark is simply surprised.


"Harry?" Louis calls him, when he sees that the youngest doesn't raise his head. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry family. Thank you for the welcome, I feel very honored, ignore any comment I said before...." He is interrupted by Harry, who raises his head quickly, but does not exchange glances with his eldest.

"Shall we eat?" he asks, clenching his jaw. Louis watches him intently with a nostalgic expression, but doesn't dare say anything.

"Yes, that's a good idea." Johannah interjects, and then signals Mark to change seats, freeing the chair next to Harry so that Louis can sit down.

You can feel the tension between the two boys, and it's very awkward that they have to go through this situation in front of Louis' parents. Harry wants to die.

"Good appetite." Mark says, before they all start eating in absolute silence.


Liam runs to the door when he hears the doorbell ring, surprised to see Zayn.

"Hello Li." Greet the boy, barely smiling. Liam frowns.

"Zayn, why didn't you let me know you were coming? I would have left the door open, or the key under the carpet as usual." He scolds. Zayn shrugs.

"I don't know, I wasn't planning on coming, I decided on the way." He replies simply. Liam rolls his eyes.

"I'll have to give you an extra key. Come in, what are you waiting for?" He beckons, and Zayn moves slowly into the house.

Instead of going to the kitchen or up the stairs to Liam's room as usual, he stops a few inches from the door. Liam raises an eyebrow, genuinely concerned about his friend's strange behavior.

"Zayn, what's wrong? You're acting weird. You didn't go straight to the fridge like usual, something's wrong with you." The brunet sighs deeply before answering.

Houseboy ➳ Larry AU |English|Where stories live. Discover now