Chapter 23.

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Michael smiles in satisfaction at Louis' reaction, he obviously wasn't aware of Harry's relationship, and it took him completely by surprise. Louis doesn't know what to do, or what to say, he just stands there static, trying to process the information.

"Are you his boyfriend?" He asks in a breathy voice at the end. Michael nods, too pleased.

"As you heard." Louis blinks two and three times, completely out of place.

"It's not possible, Harry has told me about his previous girlfriends and...." He is interrupted by Michael.

"Do you really think Harry could have a girlfriend? He's clearly gay, and so am I, and we're boyfriends." Louis frowns at him.

"What are you trying to say, why he couldn't have a girlfriend? And stop saying you're boyfriends, I don't care what kind of relationship you have with him. Really!" And he's really trying not to look affected by all this, he's clearly failing in the attempt, but he won't give him the pleasure of seeing him affected. This is something that was definitely not in his plans, he just discovered his feelings for Harry and now everything went to shit in an unexpected way.

"Well, Harry doesn't like women, that's why I say he couldn't have a girlfriend. He likes men, do you understand that or do I have to explain it to you?" Michael scoffs, and all Louis wants to do is hit him so hard that he knocks him unconscious, and he doesn't know why he suddenly feels so much hatred for this guy.

"No, you don't." He answers between his teeth.

"Then, since you've already understood, I'll ask you to stay away from him, your closeness bothers me, and stop giving my boyfriend expensive gifts, asking him out, and giving him rides in your car. Stay away from Harry, I don't want you around." He says in an authoritative voice. Louis lets out a fake laugh.

"Do you think you can order me around because you're his boyfriend? You can't forbid me anything, you're not my mother, and if you were I wouldn't pay attention to you either. I'm free to do what I want." He crosses his arms. Michael grits his teeth, feeling frustrated.

"I just want you to do what you want, but away from Harry." He tries to sound calm.

"No, I can't, Harry lives in my house, and we spend all our time together, I'm not going to stay away from him, if I want to give him a present I will, if I want to ask him out I will, you can't tell me what to do." And Michael bites his tongue before saying something that could ruin his situation even more. He doesn't want to push Louis towards Harry, he doesn't want to let him have a free way, he has to do something to avoid it.

"Harry told me you were straight, which I question. A straight guy doesn't give another guy gifts, he doesn't try to see past his tights while dancing, and he doesn't ask him out." Louis frowns, offended.

"What are you trying to say? I like women, I have a girlfriend, stop pretending you know me." Michael is satisfied with his answer, but not entirely.

"If you like women so much then stop flirting with my boyfriend!" He exclaims, Louis is surprised at that.

"I'm not flirting with him." He mutters. Michael rolls his eyes.

"Oh my God, I heard about the perfume, I see how you flutter your eyelashes and smile mischievously at him. Stop doing that! Harry gets his hopes up easily, you're playing with him." Louis shakes his head many times.

"I'm not playing with him." He says sincerely.

"Come on, you're too much of an idiot to realize that." Louis raises an eyebrow, not understanding his point.

"Realize what?" Michael bites his tongue for the second time, he can't tell him that Harry is in love with him, that would be handing it to him on a silver platter. He shakes his head.

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