Chapter 6: ~*Detective Work Pt 1.*~

Start from the beginning

"Your wish is my command." Vera groaned, before continuing to go through the pictures that were taken so far.


Vera sat next to Enid and Yoko in the greenhouse, leaning on the Enid's shoulder as she dozed off, jumping a little as Ms.Thornhill spoke.

"I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks Mr.Thorpe." The woman sent Xavier a look.

"Admit it you're a little impressed." Xavier smirked proudly.

Everyone fell silent as Wednesday watched the animated drawing of a spider crawl around the tabletop before she raised her hand and smashed the spider into lead dust, laughs breaking out around the room.

"Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us, on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants, now, who can tell us the name of this beauty?" Thornhill spoke, obviously expecting An answer from Bianca as always.

"Dendrophylax Lindenii." Wednesday deadpanned, earning a few looks. Vera sat up more before leaning on her forearms as she stared at Wednesday intensely.

"Otherwise known as the ghost orchid-" Bianca started.

"First discovered on the isle of white in 1854." Wednesday cut her off, finishing the sentence.

Vera stared intensely in Wednesday's direction still, captivated by the girl, studying her in an way that seemed like a predator stalking its prey.

"God you are so totally into her." Enid nudged Vera's shoulder.

"No, there's just. There's something about her." Vera grumbled, her face flushing a bit.

"You always do this." Yoko butted in. "You barely know someone and you're falling head over heels for them. You always end up getting hurt yet every time it's 'gonna be different'." She put air quotes up as she spoke.

"Way to give it to me straight." Vera shook her head.

Thornhill had continued speaking pausing as the class filled with 'Oooh's from the other students which brought the trio back to reality.

"Wednesday perhaps you can identify the ghost orchids greatest qualities?" She questioned.

"Resilience and adaptability; it's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments." Wednesday answered her question without skipping a beat.

"But it's mere presence can change the ecosystem causing the established plants to reject it." Bianca stated slyly.

"Usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked," Wednesday paused. "nothing a weed whacker couldn't fix."

" It can most certainly try." Bianca glared at Wednesday, who simply stared back at her unfazed.

"Are we still talking about flowers?" Xavier questioned jokingly causing people to laugh.

Throughout the entire process of the two trying to one up each other Vera had stared intensely at Wednesday, occasionally looking down to the book that she had in her lap but going back to staring at Wednesday.

"Thank you ladies for those illuminating insights, clearly the plants aren't the only carnivores in class today." Thornhill turned and continued the lesson.

Vera looked down at her book again, looking up to stare at Wednesday only to find that the girl was already staring at her.


"You were watching me in class today? Why?" Wednesday questioned Vera as the two walked in search of Enid.

"Oh- I just. Nobody's ever one-upped Bianca before. I mean I would but I don't care that much about plants. I honestly didn't think you'd notice." Vera shrugged, her excuse believable enough.

Wednesday looked as if she was about to say something but they had already walked up to Enid.

"We have to get back to the woods but Weems has been watching me like a vulture circling a carcass." Wednesday looked around warily for a sign of Weems.

"And you want me to cover so that you can return to the scene of a crime that didn't happen?" Enid questioned.

"I have beekeeping club this afternoon need you as decoy." Wednesday continued with her plan.

"I asked Amelie to do it and she told me she'd rather jump off a bridge than be seen with Wednesday." Vera added, smiling weakly. This earned her a glare from Wednesday and a smirk from Enid.

"Sorry two strikes. I'm busy and bees totally creep me out." Enid paused. "Why don't you ask thing? Oh wait you can't because he's mad at you."

"Whys he mad, he's the one that screwed up with Rowan?" Wednesday seemed genuinely confused. Vera took note of that mentally.

"All I know is that we spent an hour giving eachother manis and he really opened up. He feels like you don't respect him as a person." Enid raised her eyebrows as she continued painting.

"Well technically he's only a hand" Wednesday quipped.

"Wednesday he's your family and he would do anything for you go apologize and I'll reconsider helping you." Enid sighed, offering her counteroffer.

Wednesday made a face, looking back at Vera who quirked an eyebrow at her. The two held eye contact as Vera squinted with slight judgement before Wednesday turned and walked off towards her dorm.

Part 1 and done
Not my best work in all honesty but I swear I'll work a little harder on the upcoming chapters, just a lot happening at the moment. I will come back through and redo this entire chapter because I feel like somethings could be rewritten

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