"You're not going with me to EM's?" I ask Dani calmly with a hint of confusion.

"OH! that's tonight? I-I completely forgot!" Dani got surprised after realizing a conflict in her schedule.

"Oh no, I should've reminded you earlier..." I pout at Dani.

I've been thinking about going there the entire day and I didn't even remind Dani about it. Does this mean I should cancel? But I've been thinking of what to wear the whole day. The anticipation already built up....but Dani writing her appeal is far more important than going to a party so she's definitely staying.

"Sorry Hanni, I've been preoccupied the past few days so the thought of the party didn't occur to me."

Dani went up to me and hugged me appeasing from the conflict. "Don't worry, thats far more important." I pinched Dani's cheek

After Dani's numerous apologizing and my several assurances. I left Dani and Haerin alone to work on whatever they needed to do.

I guess I'll be going to the party myself. I've already planned out the night ahead and even thought about my outfit. I would feel bad if I wouldn't go. It wouldn't hurt to make some friends. As always I'll still be as responsible as I can be.


I decided to take an Uber to go to the place, I figured I might get a tipsy so I don't want to end up trying to drive myself home with alcohol in my system. Danielle told me that I can call her if I ever needed to get picked up. I texted Beomgyu telling him I'm going and that I'm on the way.

I'll try to be cautious since I've never truly met the guy, he seems nice but I don't want to just trust people off of my first impression but I'm hoping things go well.

Time check! it's 8pm, I guess i'll be a little late. I didn't know traffic is heavy in this area of Seoul. Well you can't really blame me since I'm not that familiar with the entire city yet and If I knew I would've left a little earlier.

Beomgyu texted me back asking me to tell him when I'm a few minutes away so he can pick me up from the event's entrance. I feel a little bit anxious for attending a party all by myself, Dani's always the conversation starter so I'm not sure how I'll handle making conversations with other people. Plus I don't know anyone besides Beomgyu and I literally just talked to him twice.

These thoughts are making me regret my decision of going. Okay. Hanni. Breathe. You're already here. Might as well enjoy the night. Make friends. Drink. Have Fun. Breathe. Woo. Breathe. Enjoy.

"We're here, Ma'am." The uber driver signals as he parks the car beside a bar, Ocean's Studio 54. A bar clerk opened my door for me.

I bow my head to the clerk as I exit. "Thank you." I smile at the man.

I walk my way to the entrance. I've already texted Beomgyu but there's no sight of him by the entrance. I can hear the place's loud music from outside, I'm guessing the party has already begun. I smiled at the escort that was standing by the door, "Hi welcome to Ocean's Studio 54. EM's guestlist, Can I have your name please?"

"Oh Sonny, that's my guest!" I looked up to the voice I heard and it was Beomgyu. The escort just nodded his head and welcomed me inside.

"Hey Mr. Head Associate!" I greet the guy as I walked in. Damn here we go again with the loud deafening music.

"I'm glad you decided to go!" Beomgyu gives me a handshake as a greeting. "Come meet my friends at our table." He points to a direction.

For an exclusive party this place sure is packed, there are clusters of people in circles dancing and chit chatting. I'm trying to look around if I can see any familiar faces but to no surprise, I don't know anyone. I can see some classmates of mine but none that I've actually talked to or acquainted with. Beomgyu and I found ourselves into a long table with atleast a dozen or more people surrounded.

romance is not dead // bbangsaz ( hanni x minji )Where stories live. Discover now