"Well yeah, cause I thought you liked that stuff?"

"Yes. But, Marshall, you HATE sushi!"

"I do, baby," he admits. "Nastiest shit ever. Don't know how anybody can eat it."

"So why would you..."

"Cause you like it," he shrugs. "So I figured, for our first date, we'll come here."

"But like... what are you gonna eat?"

"Ay, they got cooked food here too. Imma just order that. Some cooked chicken or beef, or something. Imma just have that."

"Okay, Marshall," I sigh. "You really didn't have to... do that, you know that, right? But if you insist, then fine," I grin. "But for our second date then, we'll have to eat some tacos or something."

"You hate tacos, girl."

"I really fucking do! But now I feel like I just have to sit through it for you next time we go out! And then, for our third date, we'll just have to compromise and choose something we both like..." I say, and then we both say in usison:

"Pizza it is then!!"

And then we both laugh. And that finally breaks this weird tension that was starting to for somw reason build up towards us during the car ride.

Then the waiters come with our food, and we just enjoy it and make small talk over it.

Things feel so simple all of a sudden, probably the simplest it's ever been.

And it feels good.

It feels so fucking nice.

By the time Marshall drops me back off at home, my mother is waiting right by the door, and I honestly am so done with it!!

"Momma, you really need to stop this," I say after Marshall has dropped me off and I walk through the door and settle with my mother at the kitchen table.

"Stop what, Melody" my mother asks me innocently as she looks up at me.

"Stop treating Marshall like this! You are making him uncomfortable, and we've already spoken about this!"

"Oh? I make that lil white boy uncomfortable?"


"Mel, I only want what's best for you," my mother then sighs. "And I never want to see you cry again, like you used to cry over him back in the day. I can still remember that. I remember you crying so much over that boy that day."

"But momma, Marshall was a different person back then," I sigh. "Yeah, he's made me cry a lot, but he's also made me happy a lot. I know that you don't really understand, but... He wouldn't knowingly hurt me again."

"How do you know that, baby girl?" My mother asks and I shrug.

"I mean... I don't really know that 100%, as nothing in life is ever 100%, but sometimes you just have to take chances, you know?"

My mother stares at me for a really long time, then she sighs and conceeds.

"Okay, Melody, if that's what you think you want, I'll try to ease up on the boy. Why don't you invite him over the next time he comes to see you."


"What?! I swear I'll be nicer to him. I just want to get to know the boy better. Since you insist on him being part of your life again."

So the next time Marshall comes over, the both of us have to suffer through sitting with my mother again, grilling him.

Then we go and eat some nasty ass tacos at some fast food joint.

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