You're sick

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"Minho!" you yell in the bathroom before throwing up again. For the past days, you were sick. Your head ached too much and you were constantly throwing up. Minho opened the bathroom door and he held your hair up as he massaged your back "Oh shuck, Y/n..." He muttered to you. You wiped your mouth with a towel and stood up shakily, you were about to say something when you stumbled and almost fell if Minho hadn't caught you. You felt cold and you started shivering uncontrollably. Minho placed a hand on your forehead "I could practically make a sunny side up with this temperature..." He muttered and you lightly punched him "Minho..." You groaned
"Just kidding" he said and picked you up "Come on, I'll be Nurse Minho for now"

"What the bloody hell are you doing?!" You scream at Thomas
"Umm, trying to find a towel and a basin?" He said
"But I don't have a fever!" You yelled back and you saw him flinch. Your head was pounding terribly and you badly needed something for the pain
Thomas threw his hands up in defeat "Alright alright! I'll go to Jeff" he grumbled as he started walking out. You grab his hand and said "I'm sorry. The pain is just driving me insane" you said quietly
He leaned in to kiss you on the forehead "I know, I'll get the medicine and stay with you all day, alright?" He said and you nodded

"Anything else? Is your bed comfy? Do you need water? Does your head hurt? Should I go get medicine or something?"
You laughed a bit at Newt's questions. He was doing his best to make you feel better. You reached up and patted his arm "I'm fine Newt, thanks" you smile
Newt smiled back as he pulled a chair and sat on it. He started stroking your hair and said "Sleep Y/n, you bloody need it so we can hang out again" he said softly and kissed you on the cheek
"I will" you mutter
"That's good" Newt said and held your hand "I'll be here if anything starts to hurt again"

"Y/n!" Gally exclaimed as you suddenly collapsed from your working area. He ran towards you and felt your forehead. It was too hot. He looked at the other Builders and screamed "Go get a medjack! What are you all standing there for?! Cant you see that she needs help?!"
Several Gladers bumped into each other as they all scrambled to go find a medjack. Gally glanced at you and held you in his arms as he stood up and went to your room in the homestead. He opened your door carefully so as not to drop you and set you gently on the bed. He pulled the covers up to your chin and tucked you in. His eyes saw a basin and he went out to fill it with water and came back quickly to your room. He grabbed a towel and placed it on the basin before squeezing out the water and putting it on your forehead. You opened your eyes and looked at the boy "G-Gally?" You whispered
"Its alright" he said as he held your cheek "I'm here, I'll take care of ya"
You smile and your eyes closed once more

Another one ❤❤
Hope you liked it! Feel free to leave any ideas or suggestions in the comments

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