You cut

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Minho: "Y/N...?" Minho said as he knocked on the door softly. You choke back the tears and try to stop your bleeding wrists from shaking "Yea?" You say and felt happy that your voice didn't betray you
"Are you okay?.. You've been there for almost an hour" you could imagine Minho's worried face at the other side of the door "Im coming in..."
"No.. Don't!" You flung yourself towards the door only to end up getting hit by the door knob. You sat on the floor groaning and felt Minho's strong hands on yours
"Oh shuck..." you heard him mutter "Y/N..." Minho tore his eyes away from your poor wrists and you tried to look away, a tear falling from your eye "Y/N, why..?" He asked you softly as he placed a hand under your chin and made you look at him. You flung your arms around him and sob. You knew that he didn't care if his shirt would get bloody. Minho rubbed your back gently as he tried to calm you down
"Its okay, Im here...I've got you"
Newt: You hated the place. The other Gladers bully you and throw mean comments whenever you walk by.
And Newt hates you
You sob as you brought the knife on your thighs, cutting across the skin and watched as blood pours down your legs. You felt the tears grow as you brought the blade back down again and again and again. Until there was a small pool of blood on the bathroom floor. The door knob twisted open and Newt's bored expression came into view "Alby's sent me to come and get-" his eyes widened as he saw the mess in front of him. You thought it was just an illusion, but you thought that you saw sadness in his eyes "Y/N...Why?" Newt said as he went over you and dropped onto his knees. His eyes went to your face and you were surprised to see tears in them "Why did you do this..?" He asked as he tried to stop the bleeding. He removed his shirt and placed water on it and placed it on the cuts. You groan at the searing pain that shot up. You felt tears slide down and Newt repeated his question again "Why?..." you say and looked at him with anger in your eyes "Everybody hates me Newt. Even you. I feel like Im such a waste of place. That I never fit in. I feel like unwanted. Like Im just a piece of klunk. But you know what broke my heart even more? Its the fact that you were never there for me when I needed you the most. You hate me Newt, I know it" you turn your back to him as the tears flowed freely. You were surprised when you felt him hug you and whisper "I only distanced myself away from you because I was afraid to hurt you. I love you, Y/N and I will never ever hate you"
Thomas: "Y/N!" Thomas yelled as he banged your door "Open up please! Im worried sick out here!" You ignored him as your eyes trailed over the bloody mess at the floor. You sigh as you look at the knife in your hand. Everything was hell for you right now. You felt ignored. You noticed that Thomas stopped banging on your door and you think
How easily he gives up on me
You sob and you nearly jumped out of your skin as you heard the door slam open. Thomas stood there, his face half angry, half concerned "Y/N, what-?" His eyes widened as he saw the blood on the floor. He walked over to you and took your hands. He pried the knife away and set it gently on the table "What happened here...?" He asks gently as he looked at you. You bit your lip as you felt your eyes moisten "Nothing..."
Thomas sighed "This isn't an event that I forget easily. And I wont let this pass without doing anything" he stood up and went out for awhile. He came back in carrying small basin of water and a piece of cloth. His hands worked gently, cleaning your cuts and wiping away your blood. You let out a small wince as the wounds stung. You heard Thomas sigh "Next time, slice me instead ok?" Thomas said "Dont do this again, okay Y/N? I love you and you know that, so please stop scaring the klunk out of me next time ok?"
You nod slowly as he engulfed you in his hug

Should I include Gally and Alby?
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