How you two kiss

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Thomas: He would first place his forehead on yours and whisper "I love you" before kissing your lips and putting his hands around you, pressing you closer to him. He would then playfully kiss parts of your face saying "I love your nose" "I love your eyes" "I love your forehead" and he would look at your eyes and say "I love everything about you" and he would kiss you on the lips once more

Newt: He would hug you from behind and say sweet things about you. He would say he was the luckiest man to have a person like you in his life. After that he would turn you around so you would be facing him and he just stares at you with a small smile on his face. He would then caress your face and kiss you softly on the lips while you would stand on his feet since he was taller than you and put your hands around his neck

Minho: He likes his kisses rough and passionate. He would kiss your lips forcefully earning him a small moan from you. His hands then would travel around your body and then resting at your hips where he pulls you closer to him so he could deepen the kiss even more

Gally: You always expected him to be a rough kisser. But in reality he isn't. He would even ask if it would be alright to kiss you and a blush would appear on his face as he looks down and scratch the back of his neck. He isn't forceful when it comes to you because he feels like his aggressiveness is always in the spotlight, so he wants to be gentle and sweet when it comes to you. He would kiss you softly on the lips and it would be you who would deepen the kiss even more to give him the message that its alright for him to be a little rough. He is a bit reluctant to do it, fearing he might hurt you, but of course you are his babe and he would most likely do anything for you if he can do it

I got carried away with writing Gally's
Hope you liked it

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