He finds out you like him (Part 1)

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Set in school
Listen to Two is Better than One by Boys Like Girls on repeat because I listened to it while writing this

"I heard that Y/n likes Thomas"
Thomas frowned as he heard the snatches of a conversation while on his way to the classroom. Is it true? Could it be...?
He was so lost in his thoughts that he bumped into someone
"Oh sorry" he said as he extended a hand to help the person who fell down
"T- Thomas?"
"Y/n!" He smiled "I've got something I need to as-"
"I need to go,sorry Thomas" you quickly walked past him,your head bowed. Your heartbeat increased once more as you heard him call for you
But it was just too embarrassing if he finds out
Thomas sighed as he watched your retreating back
Perhaps those were just lies I heard then
"Oh my god"
"She has a crush on the most popular boy in school?!"
"I know right, as if she'll ever have a chance with him"
You bowed your head down as the insults were fired at you. Ever since you told your "best friend" that Thomas was your crush, almost the whole school knows about it. You managed to find a table and sat there
Alone as usual
You were about to eat your lunch when two hands slammed down the table. One look at the sparkly nail polish tells you that its one of those girls that tease you
"So" you heard her say
You were itching to say "So what?"
But you just remained silent
"I heard you like Thomas" she said and a smirk appeared on her face "Well, news flash. He'll never like you. A girl who spends way too much time reading and just plain old normal will never get his attention"
"I KNOW!" You yelled
Fortunately, there were only a few people in the canteen
"I know he will never like someone as ordinary like me. I know I'm not the same as you" you spat as you pointed a finger at the girl
The girl smirked "Talk of the devil and the devil will come"
To your horror she grabbed Thomas's arm and dragged him to your table.
"Did you hear that Tommy?" She cooed as she linked her arm with his "That was all for you. Isn't it true?"
You shook your head,tears threatening to spill "You two make a good couple" you grab your bag "A couple of assholes"
With that you stormed off
You managed to find a place where nobody could ever think of finding you
At least that's what you think
You set your bag on the ground,your appetite gone. And then all the tears just came. You felt ashamed. You knew it was wrong to like him but you can't blame your stupid heart that you like him. You sat there with your hands on your face,crying. You didn't care anymore.
Then you felt someone hugging you from behind. You tensed up and quickly jerked away and saw
"Wh-what are you doing?" You asked as you hastily wiped away the tears from your face
"Is it true?" He asked with a small smile
You looked away from him "I don't want to talk about it"
He scooted closer to you and wiped away the tear that was on your face "Hey its fine" he whispered "I just...want to know if its true because-"
"Alright fine!" You snapped "I like you alright?! I like you so much that it hurts because I know that my love for you will never be returned back!"
You felt yourself crying again and you cursed yourself for crying so easily. Thomas's heart melted, he finally heard the words he wanted to hear
"You never let me finish my sentence earlier" he said "I want to know if its true because I don't want to continue thinking that you don't like me and I'll never have a chance with you"
"I like you Y/n" he said as he placed a hand on one of your cheeks "So much"
You shook your head "She paid you didn't she? To say all these to me and she's there recording this and then you'll say that this is all a joke"
"No its not" he sighed "If words can't make you believe perhaps this will"
He leaned in and looked at your eyes before kissing you on the lips.
You didn't hear fireworks like what the others say. You just heard both of your heartbeats,beating as one.
And in that moment, it was as if all your problems just melted away

"Hey man, there are rumours going around the school like wildfire. Something about Y/n liking you?"
They were currently in the showers, changing after their last basketball match. Minho raised an eyebrow at his teammate
"You sure about that Jeff?" He asked
"Like I said man, rumours. Meaning it may be true or nah"
Minho sighed as he looked at the shirt in his hand. If it was all true... then..
"Hey man, I'll be going ahead. I need to go to some place my mom wants me to go. I'll see ya later" Jeff waved at Minho before going out
Minho sighed again as he bowed his head. Ever since he saw you,he immediately liked you. And after he saw your attitude, well he liked you even more. You were a person that was tough and doesn't back down easily without a fight and he liked that. He grinned a bit and was about to wear the shirt when he heard something slam on the door. Frowning, he quickly ran towards it and flung it open "What the hell is g-" his eyes widened as he saw you being choked by...
"Why can't you?!" He yelled, tears on his face
Minho was startled as he knew that you and Gally were friends and you often thought that you two were a couple. His attention was brought back to reality as Gally lifted you up higher and you tried your best to claw your way out of his grip. You saw your vision darken as you found it even harder to breathe
"Hey!" Minho yelled as he aimed a punch at Gally "Let go of her!"
Gally released his grip on you and you fell on the floor,coughing
Gally aimed a punch at Minho "Why does it always have to be you?!" He yelled
"What are you talking about?!" Minho said as he ducked to avoid his punch
"She likes you when all you do is make her cry! Why can't she like me? Me! I'm the one who is always there for her, the one who always wipes away her tears when all you do is hurt her!"
Your eyes widened as you heard Gally "Gally..." You said, your voice hoarse "Gally...please stop" you say as tears poured down
Gally looked at you and shook his head "You wipe away her tears because I'm out" he stormed off leaving you with Minho
"Hey..." Minho said as he helped you up and you felt your cheeks warm up as you saw his bare upper body. Minho chuckled softly as he saw you blushing "Come on, I'll try to find something for that" he said as he pointed to your neck which was now turning into a dark shade of purple and green
He led you back into the shower room and made you sit down while he went off to find something. You sigh as you replayed the events back. You probably lost Gally,your best friend. You felt a tear roll down on your face as you thought about it
"Hey- what's wrong?" Minho asked as he sat beside you
"Everything" you say "I probably lost my best friend and you just found out...everything"
Minho hugged you and you felt yourself sobbing onto his shoulder as he massaged your back "Its alright, I'm here"
You badly wanted to hear those from him and you finally did
"I'm here for you Y/n okay?" He murmured as he pulled back and looked at your face "Always" he wiped away your tears and smiled
You punched his chest "Stop doing this to me!" You sob "Stop trying to make me think that for one moment you actually like me! But then it will all just disappear as I see you flirting with another girl! Stop it! Stop being so confusing!" You yell as you continued punching his chest
He hugged you tightly as your punches receeded "Stop...please" you whisper
"I won't" he said "I like you and I won't stop being there for you"
You tense up "What?"
He pulled back "I like you okay? Ever since I saw you. I even thought that you and Gally were together"
You blinked a few times before crying again
Minho hastily wiped away your tears "What did I do?"
"Why didn't you say it earlier! I thought you had the balls to admit to someone you like them!"
"Well every time I tried, you're always with Gally or you're just busy!"
"I'm never too busy for you"
Minho smiled "I like you so much"
"I like you too"
Minho leaned in and captured your lips. The kiss was a bit salty from your tears but you didn't care. Your hands were around his neck as your lips moved in sync. The day you've always been dreaming finally came true
"Thank you for coming into my life Y/n"

Gally and Newt coming up soon ❤❤

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