He breaks up with you (Part 1)

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"ITS GETTING TOO HARD FOR ME Y/N! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Thomas yelled as he grabbed his backpack and closed the door to the house. Our house. You fell on the floor as the tears come. What did you do wrong? It seemed too perfect. But then this happened. You managed to stand up shakily and reached for your phone. You swiped it open and choked back a sob as the smiling faces of you and Thomas appeared in your home screen. You went to your contacts and your finger hovered on Thomas's contact number. You sigh as you called Minho
"Min?" You say
"Y/n!" Minho said cheerfully at the other line "What's up? A- Hey are you crying?"
"Can you come over? Please?"
Minho hanged up immediately and soon enough you could see his car outside. You opened the door "Hey where's Thomas?" He asked
That's when you hugged him and broke down. Minho was startled at your reaction
"H-he left Min...He left..." You sob
You heard the boy sigh as he placed an arm around your shoulder and steered you towards the sofa. You both sat down and he placed his hand on your waist and pulled you closer
"I've been wanting to say that I often saw the slinthead with Teresa" he sighed "But I don't know how to tell you"
You laugh darkly "They make a good couple"
Minho looked down at you and sighed
You look up and say "Minho, is...is there something wrong with me? I didn't even know what I did wrong..."
"Thomas is the one that has a problem. I mean you're probably one of the most amazing persons I met" he smiled "Nothing is wrong with you alright? Don't worry about that slinthead, I'm here for you remember? We're bestfriends since elementary"
You sighed as you hugged him tighter and place your head on his shoulder "If only it was you..."
You heard the boy sigh and managed to hear his words
"If only it was me Y/n,then I'd never let you cry. And if I did, it would be tears of joy"

"BLOODY HELL! STOP!" Newt screamed
You flinch as you instantly stopped asking questions "I'm sorry I-"
"No shut up" Newt said coldly "You know what? I've had it. Goodbye"
Your eyes widened as you grabbed his arm "No please no. Newt please" you beg as you felt your eyes stinging
Newt tried to shake you off but you remained your grip
"I'm tired Y/n. I'm bloody tired. Its as if you don't even trust me"
You choke back a sob "No please... Please Newt don't leave me..."
You look at his brown eyes "Please Newt, please..." You whisper
Newt sighed as he managed to shake you off. He looked at you and kissed your forehead once "I'm sorry"
He turned around and closed the door
You crumple down on the floor as you sobbed. It wasn't fair. You were only doing it because you were worried.
But now it all ended up badly. You lost the boy you loved.
Game over

How was this?
Part two coming up
And should I do like an epilogue on what happened after the break up?
Comment c:
Ily all and I hope you guys keep that in mind

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