What he did when you broke up

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Thomas: Thomas shuffled wordlessly across his room. He didn't even care if his room looked like a war zone. Objects where thrown across the place, shards of glass littered everywhere and Thomas himself was a huge mess. He couldn't believe that you broke up with him.

"Im sorry Thomas...Im just having a hard time" you said and you quickly walked away, tears pouring down your face. Thomas was left behind with his arm slightly extended, as if he was reaching for you. Tears ran down his face as he watched you, the girl he loved, walk away from him

Thomas slumped down on the floor as he placed his head on his hands. He sobbed shamelessly as he screamed. He punched the walls and he could hear Newt calling him. But he didn't care
He lost you
And his world will never be the same

Newt: Newt sat on the bed holding a bottle of Gally's famous drink. His hair was messed up and his eyes were bloodshot. Scratches covered his arms and face and there was a gash on his head that was bleeding. Tear stains marked his face and his hands clenched the bottle tighter as he recalled the events earlier

"Newt, Y/N said that she wanted to talk to you" a Glader said before walking away. Newt smiled and went to pick up some flowers for you on the way. He hid them behind his back as he approached you "Y/n" he said as he gazed into your eyes. You looked down and said "Im sorry Newt.." Newt frowned and before he could say anything you went on "Im breaking up with you... Its just that...that I often feel pressured. I love you but this isn't working for me... Im sorry Newt" you looked into his eyes and it was the worst mistake you ever made. His eyes, his eyes showed so much pain and misery and you could feel yourself tearing up. You quickly turned and ran away. Newt felt the flowers he brought drop onto the ground as he watched your retreating back

Newt stood up and walked towards the maze. It was still early but he knew it will be closing soon. He didn't care. He didn't love you anymore. He is okay.
But no
Those were all lies
He still cared, he still loved you and he is every definition of hurt
He started scaling up the walls of the maze. He didn't care about his life. It was empty without you.
He was broken
He looked at the bottom of where he was standing,took a deep breath and

Minho: "Minho bloody hell! Stop it!!" Newt begged as he held his hands to deflect another chair that was thrown towards him
"YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!" Minho screamed, his words laced with venom "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW IT SHUCKING FEELS, TO SEE THE GIRL YOU LOVE WALK AWAY FROM YOU! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ANY OF THIS NEWT! SO STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!" Minho yelled and threw another chair, this time hitting the window and breaking the glass. But he didn't care

"Y/N!" Minho said cheerfully as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You turned to face him and pushed his hands away. His hurt face looked up to you and he could see the tears in your eyes. It hurts, it sucks, but its for the best
"Minho, Im sorry but the Creators threatened to kill you if I continue our relationship..." you say and Minho exploded into arguments. You closed your eyes and screamed "I never loved you! All of this was just a game!" it wasn't true of course, but you had to say it because you dont want him dead. You badly wanted to hug him, to laugh and say it was all a joke, but instead, you turned around and walked away
Walked away from the boy you loved

"She didn't love me..." Minho whispered as he sank to the floor and felt Newt's arms wrapping around his neck. Minho didn't care, he needed someone to say that everything will be okay
"Newt..." Minho whispered "Newt please tell me that this is all a dream..."
Newt shook his head and Minho closed his eyes.
It was all over
He lost you, the girl who meant the world to him

I feel kinda bad doing this XDD
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