#45: His Shadow (END)

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"I will be missing you, Dad. It's saddening that you weren't able to tell Law-san what you wanted to but rest assured, I will deliver the message", the lady gave a weak smile and was about to stand. Some thoughts started entering her mind. 

Why is he still not coming to show himself?

Did he forget what I told Bepo?

Is he alright? Did he get sick? Stuck on an island? Caught by the marine?

Is he still-

Seri slapped herself. "But... I  still miss you", the lady started to feel her eyes get warm. Trying not to cry, she gripped her dress. "Why aren't you still coming to get me? Law-san", Seri sobbed. The lady felt a presence behind her. No one would usually visit her this time of day. Everyone is also busy with the one-month festival. 

She saw a shadow cast behind her. The very shape of his hat and everything about that shadow is something she was sure of. "That was fast. I wish I could have whined a long time ago", the lady wiped her tears and stood still not turning around. "Don't you want to see me? Why aren't you turning around?", the man's voice made Seri's heart beat faster. When was the last time she heard it? Slowly, she turned to face the man. In his hands are carnation flowers in different colors. She opened the pendant and the paper points behind. It flew away and she tried to catch it. The man caught her with his other arm. "You're really prone to falling in random places", he said with a smirk. 

"Law-san", the lady called on his name. "Uhm", the man nodded. Just to make sure, Seri grabbed his arm. "You're not some kind of hallucination, right?", she raised her hand and cupped the man's face. The man looked around and saw the full-bloomed sunflower. The color of yellow reminded him of his beloved Corazon and how his presence is soothing as the aura the color emits. "I'm home", Trafalgar said while looking at the house in the middle of the sunflower garden. Seri's eyes widened and it finally sank in that her wish has been heard. "Welcome home", she cried. "It's not that bad to stay in a place such as this", Trafalgar remembered Corazon trying to save Dressrosa. As he remembered the man, he suddenly felt fulfilled seeing the free people.

He is already free. 

"There's a lot of catching up to do", Trafalgar picked the flower and gave it to the lady. "Those guys send their regard. Each of them wanted to tell you how much they miss you", the man informed. "Aren't you with them? If you're here, they must have tagged along", Seri gulped hoping that the man will nod. He was silent. "Did something happen to them? Why aren't you answering? They're just docking on somewhere, right?", the lady bombarded the man with so many questions. 

Trafalgar raised the lady's chin and pressed his lips on her. The man broke the kiss. "You're talking too much", the man held on her wrist and led her down the hill. The rest of the heart pirates are waving their hands. "Seri!", they all have a smile plastered on their face. "Everyone", she was thrilled to see everyone and they started giving her high-fives. "Why are you all beet-red, Seri?", Ikaku noticed. "Captain?!", they all turned to Trafalgar gritting their teeth. 

The Next Day,

Town's Circle

Everyone is wearing their disguise. They still haven't been disbanded by their captain and they cannot just roam around normally. Just like his previous disguise, Trafalgar wore a pair of sunglasses and a mustache. Bepo was teased by the group not to wear anything but he ended up having a huge paper bag with two holes for his eyes. The crew is all going insane trying all the food they can and dancing along with the ladies. 

Seri and Trafalgar just roam around and ended up at a park. The lady felt uncomfortable but the man kept walking. "If reset-reset fruit has a reversal surgery, I wonder if it is also applicable with the Op-Op fruit", the man crossed his arms. For him not to stand out too much, he left his sword in a safe place. "Can't we join Bepo and the others?", Seri suggested feeling awkward with the fact that they are surrounded by couples. "Then, have you felt any side effects of the operation?", Trafalgar ignored her request. "During the first months, I fainted a lot so Rebecca asked me to stay in the Palace for safety measures", the lady answered. "How about now? Do feel something strange in your body?", Trafalgar was about to reach to her shoulders but she stepped back. The lady felt her face warming up. "Maybe you can check on me after we have our fun at this festival", Seri led him to different shops and stalls. 

Outside the House

Rex built a hammock for the two of them to stay in while telling stories. Seri brought out a cup of coffee for Trafalgar. "Are you sure you want to stay here? Bepo and the rest already left", the lady asked sheepishly as she gives the cup. Trafalgar put down the newspaper he is reading and took the cup of coffee and sipped. "Sit down", the man placed the cup on the nearby table. Seri sat next to him. 

"You did have some changes", the man noticed. The lady instinctively covered her chest with her arms. "Not in that area, though", the man said with a poker face. "Do you have to say that part?!", the lady slightly pouted. "Aren't you going to ask me if I now consider you attractive?", Trafalgar asked. "Why do you have to remember those parts? You can at least recall the time that I was able to escape from you back in Punk Hazzard", the lady crossed her arms. "I was going easy on you", the man had a small smile. 

With the silence, Seri suddenly remember something. The lady's eyes warmed. "He wanted to apologize but he wasn't able to wait for you. That's why I'd apologize for his sake", Seri held on Trafalgar's hand. 

Seri informed about Rex finding the cure for white lead disease and how he regretted not giving it earlier. "He's a genius then. No one could figure out how to cure it and I even have to use my ability to get over that disease", Trafalgar commended. "Did he say anything else?", the man was curious about the fellow doctor. "I think that's it", Seri stretched her arms. 

Then, when he comes home, you have to prepare tea or coffee.

You will always welcome him home and give him a tight hug.

In random moments, you'd tell him that you love him.

"I love you", Seri suddenly said with an audible tone despite her flustered face.

Law, I love you.
Corazon's face flashed on Trafalgar's mind. 

When the time comes, you can be anything for her.

He never got the chance to tell Corazon that he also loved him.

"Then, I love you as well, Seri-ya", the man replied.

"Then?", Seri chuckled. Seri looked at the ground and saw their shadows. "I'll go back to Marygeois and claim back my position as the next head of the House. After that, I will restore Flevance until the time they can get up on their feet. What do you think of my plan, Law-san?", the lady gulped waiting for the answer. At the mention of Flevance, Trafalgar's eyes softened and flicked the lady's forehead. "Why would you go to that extent? If you're going back to be a celestial dragon, you might suffer some consequences", the man asked. "If I can be given a chance to have kids of my own, I want them to be proud of their roots", Seri looked at Trafalgar's eyes with all seriousness. 

The man gave a short laugh and patted her head. "You're such a simpleton", he led the lady's head to lean on his shoulder. "Since I have so much time on my hand, I don't mind accompanying you with your plans", Trafalgar looked at the setting sun. "By the way, how many children would you like to have?", he asked with a straight face. "Don't ask me now! You're ruining the mood", Seri covered her flustered face. 

Then, after we restore Flevance. We'll make a huge hospital to cater to everyone. 

Everyone is so broad, Seri-ya. 

You're such a great doctor and it's a waste that only a portion of the world will benefit from it. 

So, you're willing to share me with the world?

Not in a different way. Why do you have a double meaning in everything?

It's you who is making such an interpretation. 

Women in Dressrosa stab men who are unfaithful. 

Who said I am unfaithful? Not to mention someone clapping mindlessly as a vice-admiral climbs down the marine ship.

That's Keanne. If you remember he is- Wait. Not to mention you going into places with Robin-san. 

"Seri-ya", Trafalgar stood up. "I won't be able to save you from within just like Ace did or perform a reversal surgery like how your father did", the man turned and reached out his hand. "But I'm the only one left alive so I'll finish what they started", Trafalgar's words made the lady cry and she stood to hug him. "Then, you will stay, right? You won't leave me too, right?", Seri sobbed and burrowed her face into the man's chest. "I'm mortal, though. I'll stay by your side longer", Trafalgar hugged her back. 

The end. 

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