Stella & The Opportunity

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Chapter 24


Running into Josie surprisingly made me feel a lot better. And the end of my getaway couldn't have come at a more perfect time.

I was in a cab from the airport, making my way back to my apartment in Boston. I was going through all of my messages and emails during the drive home. I had missed so much in 5 weeks.

Ashford Industries had disputed the lawsuit with Taylor Industries after it had been discovered that Ratliff paid someone at the city off to plant incriminating evidence against Ashford Industries. Now there's a counter suit against the company. But it seems like they are heading towards a deal where Ratliff is removed from office and the whole thing is dropped. But he still will owe both companies millions in damages.

I smile at the thought, he was getting what he deserved. Public embarrassment and removal from his position that he was only able to hold for about a little over a month or so.

So much time had passed at the retreat and because I didn't know the date while I was there as a method of disconnecting, I missed my birthday.

This was strategically planned though. A 5-week break that goes straight through my birthday. Considering what had happened at my last birthday I just didn't want to acknowledge the occasion.

A majority of my messages were happy birthday messages from friends and family. My birthday was only about 5 days ago now but I was happy I had avoided the pressure of feeling the need to celebrate. There was nothing to celebrate, I was 26 years old now. Yay.

Julius had left me a birthday message as well but I was hesitant to open texts from him. I felt bad for leaving him the way I did. I didn't even tell him I was leaving. I hold off on opening his message and go to check my emails.

The second email caught my attention. It was from Haruko Nakamura himself. My eyes widen as I check the date of the email. It was sent yesterday!

I quickly opened the message to see what it was. My eyes widen even wider as I read down the bottom.

He wanted to meet to discuss something during lunch. Tomorrow!

I quickly reply confirming that I'm available to meet. I smile at my phone excitedly and decide to make my first phone call.


"Hey, Sheila." I reply timidly.

"Stella! How was your trip?"

Sheila was the only one I told about my whereabouts and I gave her permission to tell anyone who bothered to ask.

"I have so much to tell you." I respond excitedly. I begin to go on detailing every minute of my experience, what had happened with Josie, and my lunch meeting with Nakamura tomorrow.

"Wow. What do you think he wants?"

I shrug, "No idea to be honest."

"What if it's a job in Japan? Would you go?"

My eyes widened, "Yes? No? I'm not sure."

"It seems like a great opportunity to restart."

"It would. But we don't even know what he wants to meet about. So that's not a decision I have to make right now."

"But if it was an option. Why are you hesitant?"

I shrug again, "I don't know."

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