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Chapter 14





I groan heavily as the sound just continued to ring through the room. I finally gave in, picking up the phone on my bedside table.

"Hello?" I answer tiredly.

"Why didn't you tell me!"

"Huh?" I look down at the time, as well as the caller ID. "Penny, why are you calling me at 4 in the morning?"

"Stella's getting married?" She exclaims.

My eyes widen immediately, the sentence making me sit up in bed. "What are you talking about?"

"Look at what I sent you!"

I open up my phone and go to the text messages. An article had been sent to me from a gossip magazine.

Taylor industries mixing business with pleasure? CEO and CFO seen together at Bridal Boutique in Boston.

My heart dropped to my stomach as I saw the pictures of the two. Walking in together, holding hands in the lobby, them smiling together. The last photo of them hugging got my blood boiling, making me exit out of the app.

"You didn't know?" Penny asks softly.

My brows furrow together in anger. "Since when do brides and grooms dress shop together Penny?" I take a deep breath before rubbing my hand down my face in frustration. "Her cousins getting married. Don't call me with this bullshit. Now go to bed." I say before hanging up angrily.

Now I couldn't sleep, the only thing on my mind being Stella and Michael. I knew she needed space but I couldn't do this. I felt like this space was driving her right into his arms. And I'd be damned if I let that happen.

I got out of bed, I had work in a couple of hours so might as well be up now. I also had a meeting with Ratliff today. Our first one-on-one meeting since he became CEO.

I went into the bathroom, splashing water on my face before brushing my teeth. Since I had hours to spare and anger that needed to be released, I made my way downstairs to the gym.

It was for residents only, but since it was 4 am it was empty. I lifted some weights before getting up to hit some punching bags. Lately, I constantly wanted to hit something.

I missed Stella, and I didn't know what to do about it.

I knew I was going to lose her if I continued to wait as long as I have been. I knew she still loved me and that should be enough for us to still be together.

But sadly it wasn't.

I stopped punching the bag and let out a sigh before throwing the gloves on the ground.

I was going to need outside help.

I head back up to my apartment, not bothering to clean up first before opening up my laptop. After some quick searching, I found what I was looking for a dialed the number.

It rang three times before I finally got a groggy response. "Hello?"


She pauses for a moment, "Who is this?"

"Julius Ashford, I need your help."

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