Stella & The Stalker

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Chapter 20


My body trembled with fear as I saw him. He held a gun in his hand and his fingers looked like they had already been graced with blood.

My heart felt stuck in my throat as I gulped. "Gregg. It's been a while." I respond as calmly as I can.

"Stella are you okay? Stella!" Julius exclaims through the speaker on my phone.

"Hang up." Gregg demands calmly.

"I just think that maybe we should talk-"

"Hang up!"

I nod quickly, raising my hands in defense before hanging up the phone. "I hung up see? It's okay."

"It's not okay Stella. Why him?"

My brows knotted in confusion, "What?"

"I just wanted you to be happy Stella. You had finally left him. For good! You were doing great, thriving in a new company." I look at him, still confused. "Julius Ashford is the pit of your downfall. But yet you keep going back to him."

"I-I'm not with Julius. We're just friends, I swear!"

He shakes his head. "I just want to help you Stella. So when he gets here. You're not going to say a word."


He twirls the gun, "You didn't think I came here to hurt you did you?" He walks closer to me making me flinch instantly as his hand raises to my face. His fingers graze the bottom of my chin, causing my body to tremble. "I would never hurt you." I remained silent. "So when he walks through that door, you don't say a word." He says, putting his finger against his lips in a whisper. "This is for your own good." He says before descending into the dark hall.

I was shaking with fear as I sat on the couch. He was planning to hurt Julius, I finally realized. Where was Laina? My bodyguard? Michael?

As much as I wanted Julius to walk through that door to save me I knew there would be a cost. I wanted to warn him of what was to come. I was hoping he wouldn't barge in alone.

"Where's Laina?" I asked aloud. I couldn't see Gregg as he hid, but maybe if I could keep him talking I could pinpoint his location.

"She's okay."

"Gregg, why are you doing this?" I ask.

"For you. To be happy."

"This won't make me happy. Not at all."

Before he could respond I heard a loud thud from outside the front door. "Keep quiet and stay put." He reminds me as he prepares.

I hold my breath as I wait for the front door to open, but it doesn't. Movement could be heard from the kitchen as I stood still. Footsteps creaked against the wooden floor as the sound got closer.

I didn't want the person to get closer, whoever it was. The direction of the footsteps was direct across from where the sound of Gregg's voice was. If the person came out they would have a perfect shot as soon as they came into sight.

"He has a gun!" I quickly exclaim before the footsteps could get any closer.

"Shit!" I hear Gregg curse before gunshots began to ring out, causing me to take cover. Gregg began shooting blindly into the dark hallway behind me as I dove beside the couch. I could only hope Julius hadn't been hit.

"I would've had a perfect shot!" Gregg exclaims as he comes toward me on the couch. He looked beyond pissed, the vein in his head bulging as he grabbed my arm angrily. I was yanked off of the floor and pulled to follow him.

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