Stella & The Outburst

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(yes I photoshopped glasses on)

Chapter 3


I was going to need to be checked into a psych ward soon if this girl did not leave my home! Two days had gone by and my father hadn't returned.

Actually, a whole week had passed! Today was Friday, and I had been stuck with her since last week Saturday.

"Do you think I could get an ice sculpture of the great wall of China?" Laina asks the wedding planner as he sat miserably at my dining table. The man had been working all week with her and I'm surprised he hadn't quit. This woman had ridiculous ideas.

"With the wedding date you want I don't think it's possible to have it made in time." The planner says.

She scoffs, "How hard is it to chisel some ice? We have two months till the wedding. Look into it for me will you?"

He sighs, "I will."

I shake my head from where I stood in the kitchen. It was early in the morning and I wasn't needed at work till noon. I grab the milk from the fridge and pour it into my bowl of cereal. Her head snaps in my direction, "Stella! Will you accompany me to go cater sampling today?"

"I have work." I state simply.

She pouts, "Then when are you off?"

I bite my lip, "Uh it's a really busy day."

"Please Stella. Please!" She whines loudly, making the wedding planner and I both wince.

"Fine! Just shut up!"

She smiles happily before turning back toward whatever she was working on. I sigh and take my bowl of cereal back to my bedroom.

"You heard that right?" I ask Sheila once I get to my room, who had been on the phone with me the whole time.

"Yes! She sounds psycho."

"Exactly, now you see what I'm dealing with."

Sheila laughs, "Why don't you ask her to leave? Offer to pay for her ticket and stuff?"

"You don't think I've tried that? She insists on staying until my dad returns."

Sheila sighs, "Wow, you must be stressing."

I nod as I intake a spoonful of cereal, "She's driving me absolutely insane." I look over at the time, 8 am. "I think I'm going to start getting ready for work. The earlier I go in, the sooner I get away."

She chuckles, "I'll talk to you later then. Try not to explode okay?"

I smile, "No promises."

I hang up the phone and finish my cereal bowl before heading to take a shower. I washed my body and dressed up for the workday. I wore a simple pencil skirt and blue blouse before doing my makeup
and tying my hair up. I grab my purse and phone before heading toward the door.

"You're leaving already?" Laina asks as I enter the kitchen to grab my keys.

I nod, "Yes. I have a job remember?"

"Yeah, but you said you're not working till noon. It's only 9 am."

"Plans change." I say simply before grabbing my keys and heading out of the apartment. I let out a sigh of relief as I shut the door behind me.

My journey to work was long and tiring thanks to traffic. But it was better than staying at home with Laina and the wedding planner. I just knew for sure she'd ask me for my opinion on everything and then remind me that my engagement failed, as she always does. She was starting to feel like the annoying younger sister I never wanted.

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