Stella & The Groom

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Chapter 13


"So you're gonna come right? You promised!"

"Yes, I'm coming Laina."

"You sure?"


She smiles widely, "Yes! I'm so excited."

"I can't believe you waited this long to start no looking for dresses. The wedding is in 3 weeks!" I scold as I stand up and take my dirty plate to the sink.

Yes, you heard that correctly. Laina's wedding was in 3 weeks and she hasn't even started looking at dresses. Today she asked me to accompany her to check some out and sadly I agreed.

She chuckles as she plays with her half-eaten plate. "I told you it's not that big of a deal. I'll see dresses and I'll pick one."

I shake my head, "If you say so. I'm going to go get ready."

"You going out with the boyfriend?" She asks as she raises her brows suggestively.

I roll my eyes, "How many times do I need to tell you that Michael is my friend?"

"Who happens to be a boy that you spend all your time with. I liked Julius better."

"You've never met Julius!"

She shrugs, "He was cuter."

I sigh tiredly, deciding to ignore her comments and head to my bedroom to get dressed. Michael and I were heading down to the station again. It had been two days since our first visit and detective Shields had something he wanted to share with us.

I take a shower and change into something simple. It was early June and the weather was starting to get warm so I decided to wear ripped jeans and a white baby tee. It was random and I hadn't dressed like that in a while. But it was the weekend and supposed to be filled with errands so I felt like being comfortable for once.

My phone begins ringing as I spray on some perfume. "Hey Michael."

"I'm driving and I'm outside." He says as soon as I speak.

I raise a brow before shaking my head. "I'm on my way down."

"Bye Laina!" I call out as I walk past her toward the front door.

"noon don't forget!" She calls out.

"I won't!"


"So I took it upon myself to look into everyone you had mentioned to me. And of course, one stuck out more than others, so I looked deeper. But there's a slight problem."

I raise my brow, "What are you trying to tell me?"

"The main person of interest was Gregg Smith. But the problem is that Gregg Smith is dead."

My eyes widen, "Dead? But that doesn't make sense."

"He died by suicide in January.

I was too stunned to speak and my heart sank. The last time I saw him was on my birthday last year when Josie said some mean things to him at the mall. I used to be really harsh on him, did I drive him to suicide? "Do you know why?" I ask softly.

He shakes his head, "There was no suicide note."

I bite my lip and look down at my lap. Michael notices and holds my hand. "Were you guys close?" He asks.

I shake my head, "I was pretty mean to him."

There was a brief silence before detective Shields cleared his throat. "I'm sorry for your loss, but moving on." He takes his seat again at the desk, "Our next top suspect is a man by the same Samuel Evans."

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