CEO & The New Girl

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Chapter 6


"Well, that wasn't a part of the plan." I mumble to myself as I exit the elevator.

I wasn't planning on forgiving Stella so soon. I was supposed to put up a cold front, stand my ground. I wanted, no I needed some distance to get my head straightened out. But after seeing her pretty little face I just melted. No matter what she did I couldn't even be upset with her.

Of course I was pissed when she maced me, it hurt. And for her to just run away after pissed me off even more. And then on top of that to not even bother to call or text an apology, I was mad at Stella.

I planned to avoid her, and not bother to give her the time of day. But of course, as soon as the time came and she was right there, I caved. She was begging to be friends, how could I say no?

At least things were clear between us and I wouldn't have to spend all next week hiding from her. We were going to be in San Diego for a whole week for the PowerGen expo, where several different electric and industrial companies come together to check out showcased products and onboard new ideas and partners for their companies.

A whole week with Stella in California. It would've been great if we were still together. Maybe check out the beach, drive down to LA and visit Disneyland, walk through Hollywood boulevard, and feed into that shopping addiction of hers.

But this wasn't that time. We weren't together and I was just going to have to deal with it. I will go to the convention, get what needs to be done completed, and return to New York. That's the plan.

As I was walking to my car in the parking garage I hear a voice call my name from behind. "Hey Ashford." I turn around and a familiar-looking man is walking toward me. As he gets closer I recognize him as the guy from Stella's hotel room, Michael Lewis.

"Can I help you?" I ask with disinterest. I didn't like the guy, he seemed too friendly with Stella.

"Look I don't know what games you're trying to play with Stella, but leaving creepy notes at her apartment is uncool. Knock it off before I report you."

I quirk my brow at the man. "I already don't like you and now you're accusing me of being a creep? I don't even know what you're talking about so why don't you mind your own business."

He glares at me, "Just stop messing with her."

"What are you her boyfriend?" I ask angrily.

"Someone who cares, so just stop with your stupid mind games." He shoots me one last glare before storming past me and back to the office building.

My fists were clenched and I couldn't help but imagine them smashing into his face. What the hell was he talking about? Was someone harassing Stella? Maybe I could ask her about it, but I didn't want to overstep. The fact that she told him must mean that they've become pretty close. I hated that.

I got into my car to head back to my place. I had been in Boston so much lately, for both work and Stella. I didn't mind it though, sometimes it was nice not being less than an hour away from your parents. Boston was and always has been a second home to me.

I arrive at the condo tired after my long day. My phone rings just as I take a seat on the couch. I sigh before pulling it out of my pocket and to my ear. "Ashford." I respond tiredly.

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