Stella & The Bodyguard

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Chapter 19



The note I received from 'my favorite coworker' was not as sweet as the previous ones. It was the complete opposite. So much so that I was forced to move in with Michael for the next two weeks.

We'd only been here two days and I was on 24/7 surveillance thanks to the stupid note. It turned out that I was right about the mail carrier, he wasn't a mail carrier at all. Detective Shields was able to find his identity after looking at the security camera footage. Sadly the parts of footage from the rest of the hotel had been cut at certain times, so the person who infiltrated my apartment was never seen. Residents claimed to have seen a suspicious man with red hair walking the halls around the time but that gave us nothing.

Of course, if I was forced to leave my apartment, so was Laina. Michael's place thankfully had a good amount of rooms that prevented us from being an inconvenience. I would've been fine staying at a hotel or anywhere else but Michael insisted.

Correction, he demanded.

I was still upset with Michael about being fired. I knew it wasn't his fault but I couldn't help but feel animosity toward him every day he came home from work. I guess you could say I was bitter, but wouldn't you be? Now I spent my days at Micheal's house with Laina all day.

"We should join a pilates class." Laina suggests randomly as we sit on the couch watching tv. It was the middle of the day, maybe about 3 pm and I was watching Vampire Diaries reruns like a freaking teenager. I should be doing something productive!

"Stella!" I hear Laina's voice exclaim, taking me out of my thoughts.


"You have not responded to anything I've said in the past five minutes."

I sigh, "Sorry."

"Look, I know this is hard for you. But it has only been two days. You'll get back into the swing of things. Just wait for all of this to blow over."

I shake my head. "I can't just sit here and wait." I respond as I stand up from my seat, making my way to the front door.

"Where are you going?" I hear Laina call out.

I don't respond as I open the front door. But to my surprise, I bump into a large back. I look up to see what I ran into and I'm met with a large man. He wore a simple black suit and looked down at me in confusion with his dark eyes.

"Um excuse me?"

"I was not expecting you to come out Ms. Harris. Where do you plan on going?"

I quirk my brow in confusion, "I don't see how that is your business." I proceed to make my way past him, but as I walk away I notice him starting to follow me. I stop before turning to face him again, "Can I help you?"

"My name is Hector. I have been assigned to watch over you. I see Mr. Lewis did not make this known to you." He says nonchalantly.

"Watch over me? Like a babysitter?" I ask with a raised brow.

"Like a bodyguard."

I frown, "When did you start?"

"Today. I guard the door when Mr. Lewis leaves for work."

I grit my teeth in anger but hide it with a smile as I speak. "Oh really? Well, why don't we go visit Mr. Lewis and get this all situated?"

He nods, "Very well. I'll take you to him."

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