Stella & The New CEO

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Chapter 12


"I feel like I'm constantly getting what's rightfully mine stolen from me. And it's always by men! First, my father sought out Julius to run his company and now Ratliff slithers his way in and takes Taylor Industries! I was next Dr. Palmer, me! But the board says I'm not ready. How am I not ready? I have more experience than that slime ball! I have 3 degrees! I've worked in Taylor industries longer than him. He knows nothing! He's a slime ball!"

Dr. Palmer watches me as I rant to her, not at all writing on her notepad as she usually does. I stop to look at her. "Is something wrong? Why aren't you saying anything or writing?"

She shakes her head as she holds the clipboard close to her. "I'm letting you rant."

I sigh, realizing I probably sounded crazy. "I sound like a whiny kid don't I?"

"You're distressed, it's understandable."

I sigh before sitting up from my seat. "I just don't get why nothing ever goes right for me. Nothing ever simple. My work life, relationships, just everything always crumbles in the end."

"Things might not go as smoothly as you want them to, but you have to remember to pinpoint the positives and not focus on the bad."

I scoff, "Like what?"

"You've come so far and grown past your father's shadow. Look at the healthy friendship you've built with Michael. And you've progressed significantly since you've started coming to our sessions."

"Well, it's hard when the bad outweighs the good."

"Then let's focus on one bad at a time. Your main concern right now is your career correct?" Dr. Palmer suggests.

I nod in response. "I just want to keep Mr. Lewis's dreams and plans for the company alive. And I can't do that with Ratliff in the way."

"Have you spoken to him yet?"

"We'll no."

"Maybe you need to hear him out, give him a chance. You could be surprised what the two of you may have in common."

I raise my brow at her questioningly before grabbing my purse from beside me. "That's enough for today." I sigh before standing up and walking out of the room.

Ratliff and I on the same page? Has she even been listening? The man is evil! He wants nothing more than to crush me for whatever reason.

I finally arrive home after cutting my therapy session short. Laina was in the kitchen, as usual, sorting through the mail.

"You got another letter." She says as I walk through the front door. I quickly grabbed it from her, hoping it wasn't what I thought it was.

It had been a while since I had last gotten one. I thought they had finally stopped but the letter in my hand proved me wrong.

My sweet Stella.

You've been busy lately. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, and you losing your promotion opportunity. You would make a great CEO.

Don't worry, your time will come soon.

Your favorite coworker

I stare puzzled at the message. "I'm going to make a phone call." I mutter as I place the letter down on the counter.

These were starting to get very creepy. And the fact that this person knows my address makes it even more concerning. I had already confronted Michael, and truthfully I doubted that it was Julius.

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