Stella & The Bride

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Chapter 16


"Smile, breathe, and go slowly."

"Smile, breathe, and go slowly."

"Smile, breathe, and go slowly."

Laina continues to repeat the same phrase over and over again as she stares into the mirror. After the disastrous events of yesterday, it was finally wedding day.

Was it normal for a bride to be this nervous about getting married? The girl had puked twice already.

She was standing in front of the mirror wearing only the undergarments for her dress with her hair styled in a cute updo. Her makeup was also done and now all she needed was the final touch, her dress.

"I need to get out there and make sure everything is going smoothly Laina."

She shakes her head quickly, "Don't leave! Please just a couple more minutes." I sigh before taking a seat on the small bench. She had been holding me captive here for hours.

"Laina are you sure you can go through with this? You seem very unsure."

She remains quiet but nods her head as she continues to stare in the mirror. I stay in the room with her as she continues to chant her affirmations. Knocking on the door startles us both and I get up to answer it. Before my hand can touch the doorknob it swings open, and in enters Vivica.

"What are you two doing in here? The wedding is out there!" She turns to me, "As the maid of honor don't you have other duties to be attending to? I'd like to speak with my daughter."

I don't argue with her, taking this as my chance to leave the room and into the hall. I shut the door behind me and make my way to the reception. I peek my head in to make sure everything looks right and thankfully it does. As I turn around I find myself bumping into something hard. Before I can fall back someone catches me by my waist.

I look up to see Julius, smirking down at me. "You've finally come out of hiding." He says as he lets go of me.

"Yeah, it seems that Laina is having a tough time. Hopefully, her mom can talk to her." I look around at the empty hallway, "Did you come alone?"

"Did you expect me to bring a date?" He asks.

"I don't know. You're a single, attractive man so I just assumed you'd come with someone."

He raises a brow, "Did you want me to?"

I shrug nonchalantly, "I wouldn't care." I was lying through my teeth. If Julius had brought a date I would've simply died. We might not be together but I don't think I'm ready to see him with someone else.

He chuckles, "Okay, noted then."

I nod, "Good." I turn around and peek my head into the reception. I notice Vivica seated in the audience and everything else looked to be ready. I let out a breath, "I've got to go get the bride."

"I'll be right here."

I quirk my brow, "You won't be seated inside?"

He shakes his head, "Too many cameras."

I nod in understanding before making my way to the bride's room. I knock and wait for a response but get none. "Laina!" I call out as I knock again and receive still no response.

I begin to get worried and quickly open the door. Just as a feared the room was empty. I call out her name before returning to the hall. "Laina!" I call out again.

Julius notices and looks at me questioningly. "What's going on?"

"She's gone!" I exclaim in a hushed tone. I didn't want anyone to hear me and cause a commotion.

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