The End

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Well. I certainly didn't think I would ever actually get here.

I started Spirals because I basically wasn't happy with other fanfiction and decided to write my own when I was bored. 110K reads later (at this current date) I'm now a little bit horrified to say that this is my proudest accomplishment. 

I honestly didn't even know what I was doing with it up until the final ten or so chapters. I planned on being more evil than I was actually. 

But regardless of all that, I couldn't have even finished this book if it weren't for the people who supported me and made me smile with their comments. It doesn't seem like much but they make my day every time I read them. 

I would like to properly acknowledge @EXCUS3M3ILY who not only was literally one of my first readers, but also loves Spirals religiously and whose comments are one of my favorite things in the world. 

Somehow this has turned into an acknowledgements section, I apologise. So we finally got here in the end. I really do love writing and even if I was a bit slow updating sometimes, I really hope you all loved the story as much as I loved creating it. 

I'm considering starting up some other fics, (feel free to suggest some characters or fandoms, I might just keep them in mind) so any crazy people who seemed to enjoy my writing, I'll let you know should I decide to spend another year and a half on an emotionally destroying piece of work. 

All in all, thank you. I owe you guys a lot. 

Love, Sophie. Xx 

Spirals || Mattheo RiddleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora