Chapter 35 ~ Decisions, decisions

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As soon as we reached our dorm, I collapsed on the bed, not even bothering to unpack.

Pansy woke me up for dinner but I hushed her away, saying I wasn't hungry. I was exhausted, even after a holiday. Too much had been happening, too much changing.

It was nice being back at school, I thought of it as my home now.

I woke early the next morning, saying goodbye to my wishful sleep in. Pansy still snored away, tucked under the heavy duvets that protected her from the cold of winter.

The dungeons were freezing this time of year. I got out of bed and decided to have a hot shower before the cold could sink in.

Hot water rushed over my skin, leaving me feeling more refreshed than I had been in a while. 

I was in one of those places. You know, the ones where it feels like nothing is going your way, like the world has something against you. I had no idea what to do about so many things, ranging from the cabinet to Mattheo.

His words still rung through my head. Had he really meant it? Why would he do that, even if it was true?

I wanted answers, but he was the secret keeper. No way in fuck that I was going near him again anytime soon.

A knock on the door reminded me how long I had been in the shower and I quickly turned the faucet off and wrapped myself in a towel before leaving the steamy bathroom.

"What took you so long?" Pansy teased.

I huffed. "It wasn't that long."

She went in after me, spending probably the same amount of time in there as I did. Hypocrite.

I dressed heavily, planning to go touring the school in the winter air to see what it looked like under ice and snow.

Pansy did the same, making us look like marshmallows walking down the stairs into the common room.

Blaise let out a snort as he saw us. "You two look warm."

"Shut up Zabini, I would rather not die of hypothermia," I shot back.

He put his hands up in defence and smiled again before turning back around on the couch. Theo sat across from him, facing us and looking thoroughly amused. Draco wasn't joining us today.

"Are you two ready to go?" Pansy and I had moved to stand next to the couches, the common rooms were warm because of the blazing fire, making us sweat in our winter clothing.

"As ready as we'll ever be," Theo sighed dramatically. He hated this plan, claimed the cold didn't suit him very well.

We offered to leave him behind but he threw his toys in a agreed.

The temperature just outside the Slytherin portrait was freezing and our breath created stream in front of our faces as we walked down the corridor,  Theo and Pansy on my left, Blaise on my right.

A few stairs, twists and turns, and finally we were seeing natural light again.

The sun was shinning and the snow that fell last night covered the ground, reflecting the bright light back into our faces. 

"Fuck I hate winter," Theo groaned loudly. 

"Well, I think its beautiful," I concluded. He gave me a funny look before continuing. 

I smiled brightly as we made it to the great hall. It was filled with chattering students and chilled out teachers all wearing their casual robes. The noise drifted over my ears and filled my chest with warmth. 

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