Chapter 22: Operation: Go!

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Earth, Nov. 19th 2016 @9:53 AM. A gentle breeze wafted through the tense situation. His eyes didn't know what to focus on. The nauseating sight of the angel, Alyssa laid helplessly on the floor, or his father.

"Genji, you're finally here." He said, leaving Alyssa behind to approach his son step by step.

"Answer my question! What are you doing here, and what did you do to Alyssa?!" He shouted, taking steps backwards.

"Is that an angel in your arms? By the looks of it...Jasper?"

"You...know her name?"

"Well of course, that's her girl." He said, pointing his thumb backwards at the Queen.

"Aww, my poor baby. Lost at the hands of a demon?" She said as she lifted her hands up. Suddenly, Jasper disappeared from Genji and returned to the Queen, "it's ok, mommy will get rid of that nasty sin for you." She caressed her forehead, and while she did, Jasper's vitals began to rise to a normal level.

"Dad, what's the meaning of all of this?!"

"The meaning? Think about it, why else would two monarchs in different realms come together in one?"

The deep voice that once soothed him was only lighting more fear into him. His brain scrambled for an answer, but there was too much going on to think coherently.

"It's because, Genji," he extended his arms out to the side, looming dread over Genji's head, "we want total control of the universe, and all that's left here is the overworld...Earth."

"You...want to take over Earth? Was King of Hell not enough?"

"A king should always be in pursuit of more land. It's for the betterment of our people."

"Betterment my ass! You're betraying all of demon-kind doing this!"

"And wouldn't saving an angel also be an act of betrayal? If you hadn't brought Jasper here in her condition, she would likely be dead."

Genji paused for a brief moment, but scoffed, "I...I was just doing what any Ōkami would those in need."

"That's right. You have your Ōkami duties. Say," He said, and without any sign, he dashed towards Genji with his fist pulled back, "have you gotten any stronger?"

Life moved in slow motion for him, in disbelief at what was approaching. He had hoped his dad went crazy and had a lapse of judgement, but there was no sign of that in his actions. But before Sung-ho could connect his attack, his hand was cut clean off by a blackened and frenzied scythe flying through the air.

Sung-ho stopped in his tracks, unphased by the gushing blood leaking from his arm. He turned around and saw the bruised but slowly healing Alyssa standing. Though her beating left her drained as an attack that simple left her panting.

"Bastard! I'll kill you for that!" She shouted.

Sung-ho stood in silence as a black substance coagulated around his wound and rebuilt his missing hand back up. He moved his fingers and wrist around to ensure it was good.

"A bit too active for your own good. You should have stayed down," Sung-ho said, stepping off to charge at Alyssa. Before he could fully launch off, he was held back by the collar of his suit jacket, "what the-"

His vision went from Alyssa to the sky as his body slammed into the street. His body ached all over, but it was nothing unbearable.

"How could you?! Why are you attacking us?! We don't have to fight!"

"As the Ōkami, you are Earth's sole defender against threats like this, correct?"

"But I'm also your son! I don't want to do this!"

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