Chapter 10:Threatening Privacy

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???, Nov. 15th 2016 @9:27 AM. All senses ceased, which caused some worry. At some point, he expected to hear or smell something, but was left with emptiness. Even the sensation of rolling to his sides wasn't there.

All he had was sight, but he wasn't sure if it was a dream or reality. It was pitch black but stars filled the area, enough for him to see the three starry figures in front of him. One was red, the other pink, and the last one dark green.

Huh? Who are these people? And...why are you so familiar?

He stared at the red one, recognizing the body shape from somewhere, but unsure of who. The pink and green were unfamiliar.

Where exactly am I? Is this a dream?

Rather than his question being answered, a new one had risen. A spark of light bursted from high and far away, enough to blind Genji temporarily. Once it was safe to open his eyes, he noticed the three figures kneeling.

From beyond was another starry figure staying afloat in the air with their arms out to the side. Their color was brown, and deep down he felt this person was someone important. Even from this distance, their eyes locked. And with a sudden gasp of air, he woke up.

"What the, huh?! Where am I?!"

His head flicked around, picking up bits and pieces of his area. With heaved breaths and sweat building up he realized he wasn't outside. In fact, he sat upright on a couch with a weighted blanket over him.

"...Huh? Where am I?"

"How many times are you gonna ask that question?"

His body jumped, then froze. A shiver ran down his spine upon hearing this voice. He turned to face it and saw it came from one of the last people he wished to see, Chloe.

"G'Morning, sleepyhead. Breakfast is...almost ready?" She said, sniffing the air. "Imani! The bacon! You forgot about it again!"

"Crap!" A shout was heard alongside crashing pans and baking trays.

"Jeez, that girl is hopeless." She said with a giggle.

"Chloe?...Why am I here?"

"Because Imani found you outside all alone at the beach. Don't you know how cold it gets in November? Anyway if you hated the party you coulda just said so, no hard feelings man." She said playfully.

"No, it wasn't like that...Wait, I was alone?"

"That's what Imani said. It sounds pretty romantic if you ask me, but then again I wasn't there so it couldn't have been a whole lotta fun." Chloe said, getting closer to his ear. "Unless, you were having fun fighting some bad guys. Then that would make sense."

Genji's nervous sweats got worse, and he turned his head away from her.

"Whaaat? I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I just went on a walk and, like, I fell asleep and landed there. Sand is pretty comfortable y'know?"

"Listen, hun. I plan on being a psychologist when I leave high school and even I don't need a degree to know you're really bad at keeping things hidden." She said, giggling afterwards.

Like a weight being lifted off, Genji slumped forwards. Sighing heavily

"I knowww. Even my mom would try to teach me how to lie better."

"Now that's crazy." She said, unable to stop herself from briefly laughing.

"So, the secrets out, huh? You know I'm the Ōkami?"

"The Ōkami?! For real?!"

"Huh? But I thought you were onto me. Are you saying you didn't know?!"

"Nah, I did. I just wanted to hear you say it." She said with a wink before walking away.

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