Chapter 6: With Great Power...

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Earth, Nov. 14th 2016 @3:29 PM. School was let out some time ago and Genji found himself on top of a building again. This one wasn't as tall as the first one he woke up on, but still had some height to it.

Without a home, he figured he could just sleep on rooftops.

He stood there, a gentle breeze blowing against him.

"I have some homework to do, but there's probably something I could do as the Ōkami...but what? Do I just stand around and wait for something to happen? Seems kinda boring."

He paced around the roof, weighing his options.

"Should I bring something to the party...Do I even have money? What am I gonna do about food?!"

His mind was racked with a bunch of doubts, so much so he covered his face with his hands. His thoughts would be put to the side at the sound of a distant police siren.

"Huh? Am I hearing that right?" He asked as he slowly took his palms off his face. He went over to the edge and looked down, waiting for something. The sound of the police only got louder and they eventually came to view.

It was a chase going on, several police cars hunting down one Mercedes.

"NYPD, pull over and come out with your hands up! Final warning!" An officer said over a megaphone.

What they didn't know is the thugs in the car were armed. One of them had rolled down the back window and started firing at the police cars. Most shots were a miss, but this stirred up even more panic among the people.

Stray bullets were hitting parked cars and breaking the windshields or popping the tires. And some unfortunately struck citizens. Eventually, some screams were heard louder than others.

Genji watched this unfold in front of him, and felt despair looming over him.

"Wait...what do I do? How do I handle these types of things?! Should I do something, or let the police handle it?! But people will get seriously hurt if I don't do anything...but I don't know what my power is capable of. I could hurt people..."

Genji's self-doubts lapped around his head, leaving him dizzy from just thinking about them. He forced himself to take a deep breath and slammed his palms against his cheeks.

"Snap out of it, Genji. Now isn't the time to question yourself. You went through all that training for a reason."

He looked down below once more at the fleeing citizens, as well as the injured ones. After another good look at what he was dealing with, he ran to start roof hopping.

"There's people that need help, your help. It's time to finally put all those years into practice!"

He was catching up to the cars fairly quickly, and at the speed he was going he would be ahead of the fugitives.

"You were never good at using your head. So let your heart do the talking!"

At that moment, Genji leapt off the building, and bit by bit, something began forming over his clothing and face.

"C'mon, Bobby! You gotta hit your shots!!" The driver said, weaving in and out of cars.

"I'm tryin' here! Slow down, will ya?!"

"Slow down with da police behind us?! Have you lost ya damn mind?!"

"Whateva' just stop movin' around so much!"

Bobby, the gunsman, kept firing but in spurts. He would nail the car's tires, but it was a never-ending line of police.

"Danny, watch out!! There's a kid on the street!!" The passenger said.

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