Chapter 16: Locked Up

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Heaven, Nov. 19th 2016 @7:53 AM. Everywhere she looked, white followed. The walls, the floor, the bedding, and even the bars. Not a speck of discoloration, a stain, or even dust could be found. What should have been somewhat pleasant was just nauseating.

She sat at the edge of her bed unable to rest, her growing pains wouldn't let her.

As always, there were footsteps approaching her cell. She's been through this routine for years, so stood up and waited at the door for breakfast.

But she learned it wasn't breakfast after picking up on the conversation between the guard and dietitian.

"Soo, any news on what the Queen wants with the demon?" The dietitian asked, holding a plate with a lid.

"She didn't tell us directly, but she passed a message to her daughter to give to us. Seems like today is the day we're puttin' her down."

Her skin went cold as a chill trailed down her body. Unsure of how she'll handle the situation.

"Well, here goes nothing," The guard said, knowing they were getting close enough for her to hear, "Miss Tachibana, breakfast is ready."

The woman, revealed to be Zoey, stood at the bars watching them approach. The two angels stopped and the dietician lifted the lid, revealing a plump and spiky cyan fruit.

"Oh, that's definitely something...Sorry, but I'm not hungry." Zoey said with a slight smile.

But I am, take it!

Upon hearing her voice, her smile faded.

No! What if they poisoned it! You heard them say they're going to kill us!

They'll be even more suspicious if you don't take it, mama. Just do small bites at a time. I doubt there's enough to kill us.

Knowing it was right, she grabbed the fruit from the plate and took a bite.

Yum!! Take another bite, and make it big!

Whatever! You couldn't care less if I got poisoned, you just want the fruit.

That's...not true! Just keep eating!

Zoey went around the entire citrusy and sour fruit, and eventually left nothing but the pit.

"That...was fast? Were you fed last night?" The dietician asked.

"It was supposed to be lasagna night, but instead I was dragged out here."

"Well, you really should have enjoyed that piece of fruit," the guard said, opening the door to yank Zoey out, "because that's your last meal."

"Hey!! Let go!" Zoey shouted, trying to resist him but there was no use of resisting a man of his size.

"That's weird, she's still so energetic. How many milligrams of Nitrazepam did you use?"

"I used the entire box of those pills, should be around fifty?"

Hurry, mama, pretend you're getting sleepy!

Zoey slowed her breathing and her struggling came to a stop.

"Oh, there we go. I was starting to think it wasn't enough." He said with a chuckle

Let's switch so I can get us out of this, no need to dirty your hands.

Funny you say that, because these are my hands!

Whatever! Just give me five seconds!

A switch occurred within Zoey, but none of them would have known.

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