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Suddenly a knock at the door and Axl comes in with his hand over his eyes.

"Slash, dude, we need you to-"
He peeks between his fingers and then drops his hand, looking genuinely confused
"Oh... I was convinced y'all would be fucking".

I feel my face shooting up red and I let go of Slash's hand, speedwalk to my bed and sit down.

Axl laughs looking at my blushing but then he turns to Slash and gets serious again.

"Come practice"
He says plainly.

Slash looks about ready to murder him
"There's no fuckin' point in practicing on that piece of shit".

"That guitar is fine!"
Axl scoffs.

Slash yeets his cig out the window
"And how the fuck would you know? Huh? The only musical talent you have is screaming into a microphone".

That went too far. I can see it on Axl's face. So I jump up and stand between the two
"Ax, Slash is really upset because his guitar got stolen, okay? He doesn't mean-".

Axl interrupts me
"Oh and now your letting your little girlfriend fight your fights for you?"
He mocks.

Immediately Slash walks across the room and gets right in Axl's face.

"You gonna watch your mouth?"
He says, soflty but deadly.

Then Duff, tall as ever, comes up from behind and pulls the two apart
"Jesus guys, let's just pick it up another time, okay?".

His calm demeanor de-escalates the situation and without a word Axl turns his back on Slash and starts packing his stuff.

Izzy let's out an exasperated sigh and disappears to his room.

I watch Steven and Axl leave through the frontdoor. Steven quickly waves at me and I wave back.

Duff is still standing in my doorway, looking torn.

I'm sitting on the bed and Slash is staring out the window tapping his fingers in frustration.

"Do you want me to stay?"
Duff offers quietly, looking at the agitated Slash and then back at me.

I shake my head
"It's okay, Duffy".

He doesn't seem convinced but when I give him a reassuring nod he shrugs and goes to his room.

As soon as Slash hears the door close behind the bassist he walks over and lays next to me on the bed. He buries his face in my pillow and groans.

I lay down as well and awkwardly pat him on the head.

I hear a muffled chuckle and then he sits up, looking me up and down
"Get over here".

When I don't immediately move, he places his hand high up on my thigh, obviously insinuating something.

I try to ignore the shivers he sends through my body and scoff
"Is this how you deal with your anger?".

Slash laughs and squeezes
"Well, usually I knock back a Jack Daniels when I'm frustrated. Would you rather have me do that?".

He has his gaze locked on me. His eyes clearly state what he wants and his confidence is so attractive.
His hand inches up, ever so slightly.

When he sees me bite my lip, he takes the victory and leans in to kiss me.

HAHAHAH  I am so sorry for using the word "yeet" earlier but it made me laugh so hard couldn't help it.

Alsoo... i'm a little stuck on the story at the moment. I haven't really been inspired to write smut recently and I feel like I have to incorporate it at least semi regularly yknow.
So i'm trying but its all a bit difficult

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