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"I dare youuu..."
Axl is looking Slash up and down.
"To take off your shirt".

We all chuckle and Duff whistles.

Slash blows a strand of hair out his face and pulls his shirt over his head. He throws it in Axl's laughing face.
"Dirty fucker".

I try not to look too much, but this guy definitely has a nice body.

It's Slash's turn. He's looking around the group.
"Truth or Dare... Syl".

This is the first time Slash really talked to me. I get a bit pink in the face.
"Uhh... tell us about... your last sex dream".
Slash grinns and pokes his tongue on the inside of his cheek, while staring me down.

The other guys laugh and look at me.

"Ohh, fuck..." I mutter and look down.

It's really embarrassing because my last sexdream had been about Izzy! I am not into him like that but it just kinda happened in my subconscious. Probably because I had seen him play guitar... I have a weakness for guitarists.

I decide to tell the half-truth.

"Okay... it was about some guy. I don't remember too much of it. It was just like- yeah we had sex. Uhh, and then I woke up".

Axl gives me a sarcastic look "wow, such a detailed story".
I slap his knee "shut it! Like I said, I barely remember".

"At least tell us the position" Izzy suggests.

I avoid all eyecontact with him and admit
"against a wall...".

"Nice!" Duff exclaims and the others laugh approvingly.

I wanna move on quickly before they ask more questions. I chug the rest of my mixed drink and point at Duff.
"Truth or Dare!"

Duff seems prepared.

My thoughts are chaotic from all the alcohol and I blurt out "kiss the person to your right!".

All our eyes move to the right side of Duff where a, now very suspicious looking, Axl is sitting.

"Bro why-" Axl starts, but Duff already plants a kiss on his cheek "mwah!".

We all laugh. Even Axl, who jokingly wipes his face.

"You call that a kiss, Duffy?"
Slash sneers. He turns to me "does that count?".

I don't know why, but everytime Slash looks at me I get a little flustered.
"Yeah, it counts".

Slash stretches his legs out and his boot touches my foot.

Steven yawns widely "yo Duff, can I crash in your room t'night? It's so fuckin late already".
"Yeah, no problem" Duff pours
himself another drink.

"What about me?" Axl jumps in, "Izzo?"

Izzy slaps Axl on the back of his jacket "yeah ofcourse, man".

Slash coughs awkwardly.

Izzy notices.
"Uhm, Slash... maybe you can... take the couch?"
He looks at the tall guy in front of him and then at the tiny couch.
"Never mind, I don't think that would work... Uhh, Syl? You have a doublebed right?".

My heartbeat speeds up at the idea of having Slash in my bed tonight.
"I mean, yeah I do".

"Then it all works out!" Duff decides gleefully before I can change my mind.

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