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I'm just finishing Izzy's coffee when Steven walks through our frontdoor without knocking
"Helloooo Sylly!".

He hugs me from behind and throws his denim jacket over a chair.
With a wide smile he asks
"Where are your boys?".

I smile back, I just cant hep it. Steve's such a ray of sunshine.

"They're smoking"
I point to the balcony.

Steven says thanks and walks off.

I chuckle and stand up to put the dishes away.
I have my hands full with plates when another person walks in. It's Slash.



He empties his pockets on our kitchentable and  then walks towards me.
But I have just finished up the dishes and I don't really wanna talk to him right now. I feel too confused about everything.

He wants to say something but I interrupt
"I was just gonna go to my room... homework, so...".

Slash nods slowly

I mutter and then disappear to my bedroom.

A couple minutes later, I'm sitting at my desk with my books in front of me but I'm not really doing much with them. I'm mindlessly skimming pages and trying not to think about Slash. But ofcourse he's all I think about, and Axl too... the whole situation.

I try to sort out my feelings from the past few days.

Okay so when I met the band I must say that Slash stood out to me. This might be because I have a thing for guitarist... but whatever.
Then we got pretty drunk and Slash ended up in my bed and we did some stuff.
I think back to that night. How nervous I was because I found him so hot and also... I think I might have some feelings for him ever since that happened.
But he is so confusing. He wants to kiss me and... do other stuff, but besides that we barely talk. He wants to keep us a secret so he must not want anything serious. Not that I want anything serious... I think.
And now all these things happened with Axl too. I mean, Axl is very goodlooking but it was definitely because of the marijuana that I kissed him.
Also, Slash and Axl. I feel like this wasn't their first time hooking up. Duff said that Axl has been with guys but he doesn't seem to know about Slash and Axl together. Not that they are together...
Oh my god what is even going on.

Nothing like this has ever happened to me and now it's all happening at once.

And the worst part is. Thinking about Slash makes me nervous and all giggly and shit. I can't catch feelings for someone who just sees me as a hookup. But also, I definitely wanna keep hooking up because that guy knows what he's doing.

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