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I hear the band's hardrock through the walls while I'm finishing up my paper.
As I put my books away for the night I can't help but hum along. Axl is singing about someone named Michelle and it's pretty catchy. When the chorus comes in a second time I can sing along with it.

I straighten out my bedsheets and then grab some cups to bring to the kitchen. When I open the door a loud wave of the music hits me and I nod my head to the beat and softly sing when I walk past the guys to the kitchen.

When I walk back I stop to look at them for a second. They're all lost in their instrument. Stevie is beating the drum energetically. Duff is making faces while plucking his bass. Izzy and Axl are leaning on eachother while one plays rythem guitar and the other sings. Slash is wearing a big black tophat and is hunched over his guitar in concentration.
They look cool as hell.

"Well well well
You just can't tell,
Well well well
My Michelle".

Axl notices that I'm soflty singing along and he gestures for me to come play with them.
I laugh and shake my head.
Axl picks up a spare microphone for me and gestures again.

I try to yell over the music.

Axl and Izz give me puppy eyes but just laugh and go back go my room
"Maybe another time!".


The next morning after my shower, I put on jeans, a white shirt and some cherryred lipstick.
I only have to go to school to hand in my paper so afterwards me, Imani and some other college friends get coffee together.

"That paper killed me"
Imani says dramatically.

"Yeah I was up all night"
Samuel agrees as he takes a sip of coffee.

We chat some more about school until Sam brings up something else
"Hey who's coming with me tonight? I wanna check out this bar. It has live music and cheap beer!".

Imani grabs my hand
"We're totally coming".

"Apparently so"
I laugh.

The other friends at our table say that they're busy so Samuel writes down the name of the bar on the back of a receipt and hands it to Imani.

After coffee Imani and I go back to her place to get ready for tonight.

GnR • RoomMatesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin