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I wake up from knocking at my door. I startle and wanna sit up but two arms are draped over me. I push off Slash and Axl, whom are still sound asleep.

Izzy knocks again
"Syl, can I have my hat back? I gotta head out after breakfast"
He knocks more
"I'm coming in!".

I throw on the nearest shirt I can find and catch the door just in time before it swings open.

"Hey Izz, wait a second"
I poke my head out.

"Oh, sorry"
Izzy says
"But I just need my leather cap real quick".

My brain hasn't fully woken up yet
"Uhh, yeah, it's uh... oh yeah. I left it on the balcony!".

"Alright, cool"
Izzy nods. He quickly looks me up and down
"Nice shirt, Ax has one just like that".

Then he turns away and walks to the balcony.

Jesus... that was close.

I close the door and notice that it actually is Axl's shirt that I'm wearing. Thank god Izzy didn't realize...
or did he?

I look at my bed and see Slash and Axl sleeping, facing eachother with a small space between them where I had been laying. Their feet are laying on top of eachother and Slash's curls move slightly with every one of Axl's outbreaths.

I crawl on the bed and softly shake them
Axl sniffs and opens his eyes but Slash turns away.

"Slash you guys gotta get outta here okay?"
I plead, but Slash is not a morning person.

Axl stretches and starts putting on his pants
"Slash, you fucker, get up"
he says groggily.

Slash moans in return and puts up his middlefinger in Axl's direction.

Axl rolls his eyes.
"Fuck y'self"

I notice he's looking for his shirt and I take it off to hand it to him.

I cover my breasts with my hands and look around for something to wear. Its weird to be naked in front of them when we're... not fucking.

Axl chuckles
"Hey man, Syl has her tits out".

Slash immediately sits up
His wild locks fall over his face.

I fake-laugh
"Ha ha"
and turn my back to them to pull on a tanktop.

At least Slash is awake now. He kicks his feet to the side of the bed and starts getting dressed.

I can hear Duff and Izzy in the kitchen.

Axl is already dressed and is using my mirror to straighten out his hair.

I have one leg in a skirt when Axl promptly walks to my door and opens it.

I hiss.

Slash is on it. He runs over and closes the door quickly. It makes a loud bang.

I hear Duff outside.

"Shit shit shit"
I whisper.

"You fucking imbecile!"
Slash hits the back of Axl's head. Axl gives him a hard push. Slash pushes him back and Axl punches him in faces. They fall into my bed wrestling.

Fuck, shit, this is getting out of hand.

"Syl? You okay?"
I hear Duff again, closer it seems.

I panic, grab the glass on my nightstand and throw water into the guy's faces.

That breaks up the fight.

"The fuck?"
Slash shakes his head and droplets fly all around.

I firmly set down the glass
"Can you two get it together? We need to get you out of here without Izzy and Duff noticing!".

Slash gestures at Axl
"Yeah I know that but this idiot just-"

Axl gets in his face
"Who you calling an idiot?".

I push them off eachother.

It's Duff, he's right outside my door.

I put my finger on my lips and call out to Duff
"Yeah I'm okay, just uhm... getting dressed. I'll be out in a second!".

Slash is looking at the ground with a pissed off expression. I grab his chin so he looks up at me and I whisper my plan to the two of them.

"Okay. I'll go outside and tell Duff and Izzy I need them in the bathroom. When the coast is clear you guys can leave the apartment. Alright?"

They nod.

I sigh and let go of Slash's face
"Good, try not to kill eachother in the meantime"
I can't hide a little smile as I say that.

Axl chuckles as I walk out my room.

Izzy and Duff are both staring at me when I walk into the livingroom.

"You doing okay?"
Izzy says, studying my face.

I say dryly.

Izzy nods and goes back to the magazine he's reading with his breakfast.

"What was going on in there?"
Duff jerks his head to my room
"There was like a bunch of noise".

I don't really know what to say.

Then Izzy speaks up from behind his magazine
"Maybe don't ask a girl what she does alone in her room, dude".

My face goes bright red as I realize what Izzy is saying.

Duff mutters
"Yeah whatever then...".

I laugh a little to break the tension and then say
"By the way did you guys notice that the faucet in the bathroom has been leaky?".

Duff sounds uninterested.

I walk over and pull the boys up by their arms
"Come one, we'll all go look. It'll cost us a fortune in waterbills if we don't fix it".

Duff and Izz seem confused but they obediently waddle after me.

Ofcourse the faucet doesn't really leak. But I manage to keep them in the bathroom long enough for me to softly hear the frontdoor close.

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