Chapter 14

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Next day, at school. Abhishek went to see Simran waiting at entrance. Simran saw him and went near him.

Simran: Good morning sir.
Abhishek: Good morning.
Simran: Umm... Sir... Siddharth Sir?
Abhishek: He took leave for today as he have some work.
Simran (sadly): Okay.
Abhishek: He will come to meet you in evening.

She smiled little and nodded.

Abhishek (handing her lunch box): Khushi made pancakes and Siddharth made rajma chawal for you.

She happily accepted that lunch box.

Abhishek: Go for your lectures now.

Simran nodded and left from there. Abhishek sighed and went for his lectures.

Later on, As per plan, Vaishnavi filed case in court on behalf of Siddharth against Elvish and Avneet.

It was afternoon time. At Elvish's place. Only Avneet and Ruhi were home. Ruhi was busy with her lectures in her room. Avneet was waiting for plan to start.

Door bell rang. Avneet excitedly went to open the door. She controlled her excitment before opening the door. She opened the door and found police standing there. She had already covered her face and body in burkha. As per Elvish's order not to show her face or body to anyone. Not even servants.

Avneet (acting nervous): Yes sir?
Police: Elvish Singh and Avneet Kaur?
Avneet: Elvish.. He is my husband but he is in office now. Avneet kaur.... Umm... No one is Avneet here.
Police: Call him now.

She did as he said. She then asked police to wait inside. Police did. After some minutes. Elvish came there.

Elvish: Hello Inspector!
Inspector: Mr. Singh as per courts order. I need to arrest you and your wife.
Elvish: May I know on which bases and also who dared to file complaint against me?
Inspector (looking at complaint letter): Siddharth Nigam. He filed case against Avneet for second marriage without divorce and you supporting her.
Avneet (acted shocked): What?
Elvish (shocked): From where he came?
Siddharth (coming in): From door.

Vaishnavi too came behind.

Vaishnavi: Inspector arrest them what are waiting for?
Elvish: You are filing complain against your love?

He pointed at Avneet.

Siddharth (chuckled): Not love but cheater.
Elvish (smirk): Take this complain back or else you will see dead body of your daughter.
Siddharth (laughing): Do I have a daughter? Nice joke....
Elvish: You don't know but you have.

Though Siddharth was bit scared for Simran but he very well knew if 1% of his real emotions will come up. Avneet and Simran's life will be in danger. As according to Elvish, Right this moment Siddharth hates Avneet as she cheated him and he have no idea about being his daughter. Siddharth mask up his emotions and acted like he don't care of Avneet at all.

Siddharth: Wow!! Do you think I will trust a cheater now? So smart of you. I am really impress.

Inspector came to handcuff Avneet but she moved back.

Avneet (acting scared): No.... I am not responsible. He forced me. He forced me for each and everything and threatened me with my daughter's name. He did everything.

Vaishnavi: Are you Avneet kaur?
Elvish: No... She is Sona not Avneet.
Vaishnavi: I am not talking with you. So, stay out of it Rascal.
Elvish (shout in anger): Who the hell you are?
Vaishnavi (bossily): Mr.... Slow down your voice or I can file one more case against you. And I don't feel like giving my Introduction to any trash(Pointing at Avneet) and you? Remove your scarf and tell me who are you?

Avneet quickly removed her burkha from face before Elvish could protest. Vaishnavi saw her face and gasped. She literally gasped looking at her condition. So, police officers did. All were shocked. Siddharth acted as he got biggest shock of his life.

Vaishnavi: You are Avneet, right?

Avneet nodded.

Elvish: Her name is Sona.
Vaishnavi (ignoring him): Avneet, Who did this to you? Also remove this burkha from your body.
Elvish (gritting his teeth): She won't....
Siddharth (shout angrily): Shut the fuck up Mister.

Avneet removed the burkha. Everyone felt goosebumps looking at her condition. Lady police officers felt sympathy for her. Police officers arrested Elvish.

Lady officer: Tell us who did this to you? Also that forced marriage thing?
Inspector: Even about Sona Kaur.... I mean isn't your name Avneet kaur? What's all this?

Avneet looked at Elvish then at Siddharth. He blinked his eyes assuring her. After gaining a lot of courage. She told them everything.

Vaishnavi: One more case added in your list actually many more but most important are two Mister... Fake death and Fake identity. And other one harrassment. And also.... Wait!! Why the hell I am counting here. We will discuss all this in court on monday. And I have recorded everything said by Avneet.

She warned him. Inspectors took Elvish in custody. Though he tried to protest but no one gave him damn as Avneet already gave her statement. Police left with Elvish. Lady police officers offered Avneet help but Vaishnavi denied explaining she will take care of her.


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