Chapter 11

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Siddharth: Hmm..... And you also don't take wrong steps, okay? (Mimicking her) This hurts.

Simran nodded with chuckle.

Simran (after thinking for few seconds): But you know what no one ever taught me what's right and what's wrong. I have heard from seniors this was.... So, I was about to try.

Siddharth (sighed): Okay! If you don't know what's right and what's wrong I can help you. I am here by your side. Don't worry but no wrong steps.

She nodded with small smile.

Siddharth: I should leave now.
Simran (frown): Why? No. First time ever I got someone to talk with me. Now, you want leave. I am not allowing you to go.
Siddharth (chuckle): Tomorrow we will meet in school.
Simran (whining): But? Stay a little more with me please. Few more minutes.
Siddharth (cups her face): Listen to me princess. You are living in a hostel. There are some rules. We need to follow them. My meeting time is over. So, I need to leave now.

Simran felt nervous listening princess. She bit her inner cheek to control her tears and nodded.

Siddharth pecked her forehead then left not before glancing at her one last time. She was looking down, trying to control her tears.

Once he left. She ran to washroom and broke down.

Simran (sobbing): Why my mom, dad hates me? Do mom even care if I had my meals properly or not, if I am well or not, if I am sleeping peacefully or not. Dad.... I..... I hate you. You both are the worst parents ever. Dad, I do call you once in month to ask you how are you? How's mom and all but all he says is without listening "You can ping me. Why you are calling me? I will transfer money in your account." Fuck his money! Because of you two, I am trying to search that homely comfort in an unknown man who just came to apologize me. I hate you mom dad.

She sat sometime sobbing badly. Once her tears dried. She went and laid on bed. In few minutes. Sleep take over.

With Siddharth. Simran's demand to stay with her was ringing in his mind. He can sense how lone she is. He promised himself to give her all the love and erase the lonliness.

Skips to next day.....

In morning. Siddharth and Abhishek reached school. Siddharth stood near entrance in wait of Simran. Abhishek sighed and stood beside him. After few minutes. She came. Siddharth waved his hand. She saw him and went upto him.

Simran: Good morning sir, Good morning Abhishek sir.
Abhishek, Siddharth: Good morning.
Siddharth (Forwarding lunch box): I made pasta. Do try if you like it.
Simran: Yaa... I like it. I will try.

She took lunch box and winced a little. Siddharth and Abhishek noticed a bandage on her hand.

Siddharth (worried): What happened?
Simran: Don't worry. I am fine. Just a little cut.

Just then bell rang.

Simran: Okay bye....

She took lunch box and ran for her lecture.

Abhishek: Siddharth, don't talk with her much in school. Anyone can predict anything. That's not good.

Siddharth nodded understanding. They went for lectures.

Skips to lunch time. Simran was waiting for Siddharth with hope to come and feed her but she knew that's not possible in school. So, she had her lunch like usual but this time she was having home made breakfast. A small smile played on her lips. Siddharth saw this from a good distance. He felt a different happiness.


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