Chapter Thirty-Two

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Sabrina Calloway

In the length of time since Jake, Haley and Rooster had been gone, Sabrina finished up her final exams. It was a different kind of relief to have them finished verses undergrad, but she supposed it was because the work was harder. She hoped it would be worth it in the end. She wanted to have her own wedding planning business. She honestly loved nothing more than throwing parties and those were the best kind.

Sabrina knew she couldn't meet Jake on base, she wasn't allowed onto the actual base. She wasn't his wife, but that was okay with her. She knew she would still be seeing him. They had planned to meet at the Hard Deck afterward. She wasn't working that day, she'd been off for her final exams. She was sitting on the beach outside the back of the bar in the sand. She knew what time they were expected back, she had gotten that much from Penny, who got the information from Maverick. She assumed everyone was alright, she had not been told otherwise.

She thought about Jake questioning her if she was up for this. She knew it was a lot, especially with her having her own career path. There was no telling where Jake might be sent to. It wasn't going to be easy for either of them, but she wanted it. She may not know what the future held exactly, but she knew she wanted him in it. She was looking out at the ocean, which had pink light reflecting off it from the sunset when she heard a voice beside her.

"Miss me, Calloway?"

Sabrina looked up to see Jake standing there. He was in his uniform, just like when he left. She jumped up to throw her arms around him. She felt him hold on tight to her in return.

"Not as much as you'd think. I forget how quiet it is without you around, it's quite nice." Sabrina answered.

"Quite nice? Sounds boring to me." Jake replied, pulling back to look at her. He kept his arms around her though. "I imagine it was the worst few days of your life since being with me."

Sabrina looked at his challenging expression. "You'd like to think that, wouldn't you?" She responded. Her eyes drifted down to his mouth, which was inches from hers.

Jake noticed of course, and a grin slowly spread across his face. "I don't think, I know."

    Sabrina shook her head. "False. And right now, my sixteen year old self is appalled this conversation is even happening." She told him, but Jake remained unfazed.

    "It was inevitable. Even at sixteen you were obsessed with me." Jake quipped.

    "Obsessed with finding ways to make you suffer." Sabrina corrected.

    Jake laughed and they looked at one another for a moment, before he finally closed the gap between them. Kissing him was something she would never tire of. She'd had her fair share of guys to kiss, but Jake was easily in the top position. Not that Sabrina would ever tell him that. His ego was big enough. Sabrina kissed him back with equal intensity, and she felt him scoop her up into his arms.

    "Maybe I missed you a little." Sabrina admitted.

    "Maybe I missed you a lot." Jake replied, his green eyes locked on her.

    Sabrina reached up and gently touched the side of his face. "We're going to make this work. Wherever we go from here. It's worth it to me." She told him. "You are easily the most irritating person I have ever met in my entire life. And I've known you most of my life. But I am.....insanely, and clearly out of my mind, in love with you."

    Jake grinned. "Guess what?"

    Sabrina wondered if he was about to make one of his typical jokes. That would be about right for him to do after she had just said something completely serious to him. "What?" She asked, looking at him carefully.

    "I am also insanely in love with you." Jake answered. "And I will spend every single day together showing you that."

    Sabrina leaned up and kissed him again. She still sometimes couldn't believe all that had transpired over the last three months, but it had been one of the best, unexpected surprises of her life.

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