Chapter Nine

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Sabrina Calloway

Sabrina ended up sneaking home about ten minutes after Jake left with Haley to go for their run together. As soon as she got home, she quickly showered and changed into other clothes. She had some homework to do, but was cleaning up the house instead. She kept their place pretty clean and neat. Haley did too, but Sabrina was generally home more often and handled a lot of it. She didn't mind either. She was vacuuming whenever Haley opened the door, returning from her run with her brother.

"Hey," Haley greeted her as she locked the front door behind her. "Where were you this morning?" She asked.

Sabrina turned the vacuum off as Haley entered the room. "Had a date, went well." She answered with a wink. "How was yours?" She inquired. She went to sit on the couch and patted the cushion next to her. She felt bad lying. Though was it lying? She had gone out for a date. It just ended up that she went home with Jake instead of the guy she had been meeting. She just tried to play it off casually.

    "With who?" Haley asked as she went to sit down next to Sabrina.

    "No one of importance. Mostly just some fun." Sabrina answered with a shrug. "Nothing serious." She didn't think Haley was being nosey, they looked out for each other and was probably inquiring just for sake of safety. Little did Haley know, she had been just next door.

    Haley didn't look entirely convinced by her answer, but she didn't press any further though. "Mine was good. I am a terrible bowler, but it was fun to get out some. Xavier tried to 'teach' me to bowl, Bradley lost his head and outed himself as the boyfriend in front of everyone. Then we left and had quite a bit of sex." She added. Her tone was casual and clearly trying to gloss over that quickly.

    Sabrina looked at Haley for a moment then burst into laughter. "That's a lot to process. Not the sex, but Xavier and Bradley. I'd have paid to have seen that." She said, "I bet it was kind of sexy. They're both super fine." Sabrina seemed amused and Haley just shook her head.

    "Maybe a little," Haley admitted with a sheepish grin.

    "Aaaaand the sex? Don't leave me hanging." Sabrina inquired. "Better that you both have all that pent up emotional shit out in the open?" It was about damn time. They had been running around each other for years. She was glad the two of them finally got somewhere, both with a relationship and the sex. The sex wasn't new to them, but the relationship was. She imagined it was a little different now though having admitted how they felt about one another.

    Haley pointed at her neck, showing Sabrina the hickey left behind. Sabrina squealed and started laughing. "Yeah so there's that. And my brother was the one who identified it. Which is mortifying on so many levels because it's my brother." Haley told her. "But was better? Not that it was bad before, obviously. Just felt different."

Sabrina thought back to Jake not knowing about Rooster. She imagined Haley didn't tell him who it was from. She was sure Jake gave her shit for it.

    "I am a little scared of messing things up some how though, S." Haley admitted to Sabrina. "I've wanted this for a while...and so has he. And we might have had this last year if I hadn't bolted." She looked down at her hands, playing with her watchband.

    "Are you planning to bolt?" Sabrina asked.

    Haley shook her head. "No," She answered.

    "You want my free advice?" Sabrina didn't wait for her to answer, knowing that she did. Otherwise she wouldn't have asked. "Just enjoy things. Don't think too much about it. You've known each other a long time before anything happened, and that means a lot. And as far as Dipshit Seresin goes, deal with that later. I don't blame you for not wanting to hear his shit. But I think he'd get past it quicker than you think." Sabrina told Haley. "You could do a lot worse than Bradley Bradshaw. And I think Jake would know that."

    Haley nodded, seeming taking in everything Sabrina told her. She looked like she felt better talking about it and Sabrina hoped so.

    "Thanks." Haley leaned back on the couch and sighed.

"Anytime." Sabrina hopped back up. She went to unplug the vacuum and wrap the cord up. "So Xavier thought he had an in? I told you." She snickered after she saw Haley's face, who wasn't nearly as amused.

"If I admit I was wrong, will you stop bringing that up?" Haley answered. "I was wrong. You were right, he obviously had a thing for me. One which was shut down last night. And hopefully doesn't make anything weird here on out."

    Sabrina felt satisfied by Haley's admission of being wrong. "That'll do."

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