Chapter Twenty-Four

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Jake Seresin

        Things seemed to be getting into the swing of a new normal after amends were made with Haley. Jake found himself still somewhat wrapping his head around everything out in the open now. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, just different. Haley and her WSO had managed to pass him in class for first, he was in second now. He still thought he had time to catch up before the program was finished. He was determined to get the Top Gun trophy.

    It was agreed among everyone that they were taking a Thanksgiving break trip. It was to the Seresin's house in Lake Tahoe, a cabin their parents had built years ago. It was more than just a cabin, it was huge. Sabrina had agreed immediately to going, and he didn't know if Rooster had. They were going, but Jake didn't know if Haley had to beg him to do so. Sabrina liked the idea and felt it was important for the four of them.

    They were leaving that afternoon, but first Jake had a funeral to attend first. He was getting dressed to leave while Sabrina was packing. He finished putting on his dress blue uniform in front of the mirror when Sabrina came up behind him. She slipped her arms around his waist and laid her head against him.

    "You okay?" Sabrina questioned.

    "Funerals make me uncomfortable." Jake answered honestly. It didn't matter who it was. He had never cared for them, and then being at one for his parents had been the icing on the cake. He would rather avoid them like the plague, but he was required to be at this one. The Commander of the Pacific Fleet had passed. Not only that was he that, but Commander Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky was also the father of Blaze. Jake felt sympathetic toward Blaze, he knew what it was like to lose a parent.

    Sabrina nodded. "I know." She told him. "That's why I was worried about you."

    Jake turned in Sabrina's arms so he was now facing her. He put his hands on her waist. "I'm fine. It won't last long and then we'll be on the road." He said, "I do feel sorry for Kazansky, though. It sucks losing your parent."

    "Haley said it was cancer, came back not long ago." Sabrina replied, "I hated to hear it."

    Jake nodded in agreement. He wasn't sure which was worse, knowing someone was going to die or having them taken suddenly. He supposed both sucked and were unfair. "I better get going." He said, "And you don't have to pack for me." He added.

    "I don't mind. Gives me the opportunity to see if you're a weirdo and I need to dump your ass." Sabrina said, looking up at him. "If I find any weird sex toys, consider me done." She joked.

    "You may snoop through my shit because I have nothing to hide, Calloway." Jake told her. "Answer me this, if I snooped through your stuff, would I find your childhood diaries? The ones labeled 'Mrs. Jake Seresin'?" He asked with a grin. Sabrina didn't look amused.

    "I was in the fucking fifth grade!" Sabrina argued. "And it was my notebooks, not my journals." She added.

    "Right. The diaries probably contained your wedding plans." Jake corrected and Sabrina shot him a look.

    "They......ugh just shut up and go." Sabrina said, shaking her head. She seemed flustered and for once couldn't fire back a response. He was pretty sure he was the only person that could frazzle her. She was a firecracker and had no trouble going at someone verbally.

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