Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Jake Seresin

    Dressed for graduation, Jake made his way there. He and Coyote ended up going together and talked the entire way about the rankings. They'd know shortly who finished first in the class. Whoever it was had the opportunity to become a Top Gun instructor. Jake knew if it was him, he was passing on that offer. He wasn't interested in instructing, though it was a valuable piece to the Navy. It just wasn't for him.

In a sea of dress white uniforms were the other students. It was hard to believe the thirteen week program was already at its end. Soon, people would either be re-assigned, return to their squadron bases or maybe stay behind at NAS North Island. Regardless, it was the last time most of them would be together. Jake was seated next to Coyote as the ceremony was beginning to get underway. He saw his sister talking to Rooster, but they broke apart whenever it was clear the ceremony was about to begin.

    Cypher moved to the podium, about to give a speech and announce who finished first. The Top Gun trophy was up front too, but it was under a sheet, which covered the engraving of whoever finished first. Whether it be a single pilot, or one with a WSO. They'd know soon. Not that he'd admit it, but if he was going to lose, it was going to be to Haley. The two siblings had battled the entire program. Jake led most of the time, but Haley had done really well.

Cypher's speech was the typical graduation speech. It didn't sound too different from other graduations, but Navy and pilot terms thrown in here and there. "And with great pleasure, it is time to announce first in this year's Top Gun class. It has been no easy feat. We've had crashes, buzzing of the tower." He looked right at Haley and Blaze at that one. Jake smirked, he knew damn well his sister was responsible for that one. "And many challenges that each and every one of you have over come. Finishing as a fine group of pilots." He finished.

    "Without further ado," Cypher said, clearly pausing for dramatic effect. "Congratulations to Lieutenant Haley 'Hurricane' Seresin and her Weapons Systems Officer, Lieutenant Xavier 'Blaze' Kazansky. Come up to the podium and collect your trophy." He finished.

Jake was disappointed, but he was proud of his sister. He found himself smiling and applauding with everyone else. He'd never sulk over his sister's achievements. Phoenix made eye contact with him and mouthed "Sorry Shithead". She definitely looked pleased he hadn't finished first, but her comments didn't bother him.

    Haley and Blaze jumped up to hug each other and their classmates were applauding too. Haley hugged Rooster after that and Jake noticed how tightly he was hugging her back. He wondered if that meant they had worked things out. Upon releasing her boyfriend, Haley and Blaze made their way to the front. Blaze grabbed the trophy and they looked at it together. Cypher shook both of their hands, congratulating them. He gestured to the podium for them to say something.

"I'm going to let my leading lady do the talking, she's more eloquent than I am. And less likely to start a fire," Blaze joked, which caused some laughs.

"First off, my condolences to Hangman for his loss," Haley began and everyone laughed, including Jake. There had been no secret it was definitely between the two of them. "Secondly, this experience has been incredible. We all got the chance to fly and learn among the best of the best, and not every naval aviator gets that opportunity. I am very honored to have been among this class at Top Gun." She paused for a moment. "These last thirteen weeks have been without a doubt the best of my life." Haley was looking at Rooster while she spoke. Jake caught the eye contact and the underlying message in her words. "I will miss being here with everyone, but I am looking forward to what the future holds and whatever it takes to get there. I know that it will be pretty special." She finished with her and Blaze holding the trophy up together.

There was a small party afterwards, which had lots of champagne and foods. Jake was mingling mostly with Coyote, but had spoken to their other classmates. He was waiting for a moment before going to see Haley. He noticed her and Rooster talking again and wanted to give them a minute. When the opportunity seemed to present itself, he made his way over there after finishing his champagne off.

"Congratulations, little sis. I honestly cannot believe it." Jake told her. He thought her face looked flushed, but he wasn't sure why. He suspected something to do with Bradshaw though.

Haley turned to him, but she didn't speak right away.

"Everything good here?" Jake asked, his eyes flickering between the two of them. He wondered if he had been wrong in suspecting things were mended.

"We're good." Rooster answered, though he was looking at Haley when he said it. Jake felt like that was confirmation they had figured their issue out. "Congrats on second place by the way. The first loser." He added and Haley started laughing. Jake just shot Rooster a look, but he wasn't offended.

"Everyone, attention." Cypher said, "We've had a situation, and some of you have orders right away. One of our carriers is at risk of being under attack. It contains a major amount of our fleet. Enemy is soon to be inbound, and we need a strike team to take them out and protect the carrier." He explained. He was holding several envelopes. "When your name is called, you need to leave immediately to head out to sea."

Haley glanced at Rooster and then at Jake. There were quite a few envelopes in Cypher's hand, so there wasn't much telling how  many were going, but it was a few of them at least. Jake had also looked at his sister, but then focused back on Cypher.

"Phoenix, Bob." Cypher passed them two envelopes. "Rooster." Bradshaw reached out and took his next. "Hurricane, Blaze." Haley reached for her own envelope, Blaze was across from her and got his. The pair locked eyes before Cypher was abut to pass out the last envelope. "Hangman." Cypher listed off the final name, passing Jake an envelope. "And on stand-by, Coyote."

"Well that's one way to end a party." Blaze commented.

The party ended with that note. Jake had an hour before he had to be on the carrier, so he ran home to gather what he needed. When they said an hour, they meant it. He had called Sabrina on the way home, and she was in his room while he got packed. He hadn't changed out of his officer uniform, he was going to wear it to board. He packed everything else he needed, which wasn't much. Most of it was at the base already.

"I can't believe you got orders that fast." Sabrina commented, watching him pack. Which was him hustling around his room quickly.

"This is the kind of shit you're getting into." Jake pointed out. "Are you sure you're up for it?" It was one thing to say this could work, but another to be doing it. He was already being sent off and it had only been less than an hour since he graduated.

"Jake, I told you I am." Sabrina said, "That wasn't what I meant. It just sucks. But I know that."

Jake zipped his bag up then turned to face her. "It does suck." He agreed. Sabrina slipped her arms around his neck, and he put his on her waist. "I'll see you as soon as I get back."

"Be careful." Sabrina told him.

Jake snorted. "You know you're talking to me, right?" He asked. Sabrina wasn't as amused and shot him a look, one he erased by kissing her. "I love you, Calloway."

Sabrina kissed him back, whatever irritation she had seeming to melt away. "I love you too. So come back, because I've taken a huge leap of faith dating you." She told him. "Even against my best judgement."

Jake grinned. "Your judgement was clearly wrong." He said, before kissing her again. He didn't want to leave, but he had to. He finally let go of her, took his bag and headed to the door. He and Sabrina parted ways in front of their houses. Jake looked back at her as he got into his Jeep to return to base.

It felt different this time leaving for a mission and having someone to come home to.

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