Chapter Fifteen

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Sabrina Calloway

    After getting the text from Jake that Haley was heading home, she got things ready for her arrival. She had her favorite tea brewed in a mug, timing it so it would be hot for her when she arrived. She had done a few more things to make sure she would be comfortable. She saw Jake's car pull up and waited for Haley at the door. She pulled it open for her friend when she reached it. Haley looked okay but tired.

    "Hey sparky." Sabrina teased, pulling Haley into a hug. She was beyond relieved that her best friend was alright. She let go of her and closed the front door behind them. "How are you feeling?" She asked as they walked to the living room.

    "I'm okay. I wish everyone would stop asking. It wasn't that big of a deal." Haley answered. Which didn't surprise Sabrina, Haley had never liked a fuss being made over her. She knew Haley probably felt helicoptered between her brother, Sabrina and Rooster.

    "Jake told me Bradley rushed out and was the first one at the hospital." Sabrina said, handing Haley her tea. She went over to sit down on the couch. She looked back at Haley, who remained standing by the couch. She looked confused and Sabrina wasn't sure why.

    "Jake? Since when are you on a first name basis with him?" Haley questioned.

    Sabrina realized where she had fucked up. She never called Jake by his first name, except to his face lately. She had called him "dipshit, asshole, shithead" and any other foul name she could think for him as long as she could remember now. She honestly hadn't used his first name in years until they started seeing each other. "I let my distaste slide for today since he was not a major asshole and was helpful to you." Sabrina answered, trying to be casual about it.

    "I didn't know that, though. They were both there when I woke up. I think they were fighting about something." Haley replied, not pushing the subject. She took a sip of her tea and placed the mug on the counter. "I'm going to shower and go in. I don't want to get behind." She said, "Will you be home tonight?"

    Sabrina's heart sank as she realized she was about to tell another lie. She shook her head. "I'm studying with some friends." She answered. Studying your brother's body more than likely. She had plans with Jake that night, he was supposed to meet her after work. Haley nodded and left to go to her bedroom. Rooster had come by and dropped her things off that she needed. A few things had been left at the hangar since Haley never returned after the crash.

    Haley came back out and departed for her class. Sabrina wasn't surprised she was going in, that was Haley for you. She wasn't going to be able to fly though, but she was showing up to do what she could. For the remainder of the afternoon, Sabrina worked on some papers she had due for class. She also got online to order her Halloween costume since that was coming up soon. There was going to be a party at the Hard Deck.

Sabrina sat back in her desk chair and sighed. She felt like she had come close to screwing up earlier about Jake and the name, but there was nothing she could do. She had been out a lot lately, which Haley had noticed. They didn't have to keep tabs on one another, but Sabrina was being more closed off than she usually would be. As long as they had been friends now, that was definitely out of character for her. She spent the rest of the afternoon, trying to take her mind off things by finishing up the paper she had for class. After that, she headed into work for a late shift.

Sabrina was distracted at work, she found herself zoning out a few times before Penny finally addressed it.

"What's going on with you tonight?" Penny Benjamin asked.

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