Chapter Ten

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Sabrina Calloway

    Two weeks had passed since both the best night of her life and probably the biggest mistake. Sabrina was finishing up a shift at The Hard Deck. She had spent the morning in class, then homework, then worked the afternoon into the early evening. She was about to walk out from behind the bar when a familiar face stopped her.

"When do you get off?" Jake asked. He was standing in front of her in his flight suit. She suspected he had come straight from Top Gun. It was around the time they usually finished with class.

"Why?" Sabrina questioned, rather than answer him.

They had spoken some since then, but she wasn't really sure how to interact with him. It wasn't like they had been friends and hung out. At the same time, she knew she felt drawn to him. He had made a few attempts to see her but she usually found an excuse not to. She felt like she was fighting against feelings that she felt like she needed to push away.

"I was going to see if you'd want to go do something. I had something in mind." Jake answered. "What do you say?"

Sabrina looked around then back at Jake. "I'm not sleeping with you again if that's your 'something'." She told him.

"That's not what I'm talking about. I thought I'd see if you'd want to hang out. Just something different." Jake replied, and Sabrina believed him when he told her it wasn't about sex.

"A date?" Sabrina asked, still trying to figure out what he was asking.

"Do you want it to be?" Jake responded.

"Do you?" Sabrina fired back.

Jake leaned against the bar. "I wouldn't mind if it was." He admitted.

Sabrina glanced around again. She was partially worried about them being seen together, but they weren't doing anything. They were just talking. She also knew Haley wasn't going by there, she was going over to Rooster's after class. She had told Sabrina she was spending the night, so she knew she wouldn't be seeing her. "Maybe not label it anything but hanging out." She said, "I'll go."

Jake grinned his signature grin at her. Sabrina almost regretted agreeing since it pleased him but she was partially intrigued. She did what she needed to so her shift was closed out, then left the bar with Jake. "Do I need to go change?" She asked him, not knowing what he had in mind. She had on jeans and a cute top.

"No, you're fine. I'll drive." Jake answered. He led the way over to his Jeep and Sabrina climbed into the passenger seat. She wondered where they were going, but she didn't ask. She figured she'd just be surprised.

"What the hell?" Sabrina asked when he began to unzip his flight suit. "I told you, I am not fucking you again!"

"Relax, Calloway. I need to change." Jake told her, rolling his eyes. He left on the black t-shirt he had on under his flight suit and grabbed a pair of jeans from his backseat. He had his seat pushed back as far as it would go to change. He did it almost effortlessly, like he did everything else. "You sounded offended, but yet have clearly been watching me." He added.

"I was not." Sabrina puffed, but she had been. Not that she saw anything except his boxers, which.....well she did see something there. "You could have changed inside."

"I wasn't sure if you were going to come or not." Jake said, then grinned. "Well, come with me. Not the other kind."

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