Chapter Fourteen

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Jake Seresin

"I came in with Maverick after Phoenix told me what happened. He brought me down here, lied about my connection to her to get back here." Rooster answered. "I was worried, we're friends." He added.

Jake studied Rooster, trying to get a read on him. He sat down in a chair in the room, tilting his head at Rooster. He felt like something was missing but had no clue what. He glanced over at his sister, still not awake, then back at Rooster. "You can go, Bradshaw. I'm here now." He told him. He didn't see the need for him to stick around at this point.

Rooster clenched his jaw slightly. Jake thought that was interesting, he almost seemed agitated. Then again, he always seemed agitated with Jake. Not that he exactly blamed him, Jake knew he was always an asshole to him.

"I'd rather stay." Rooster stated, not breaking eye contact with Hangman. He sat down across from him, they were each seated on either side of the bed.

Jake eyed Rooster like it was a challenge. He didn't feel the need to go easy on Bradshaw and honestly hoped to run him off. He had heard a few details about the crash as he had headed out of the building, so he knew what had happened now. "Must have been quite a scare. I heard a rumor this was the same type of accident that took out your old man. Is that why you fly like a-" Jake began, but Rooster was on his feet before Jake could even finish the sentence.

"You son of a bitch!" Rooster shouted, raising his voice.

"What's going on?" Haley asked, her voice breaking up the two of them. Both of them stopped the bickering and looked down at her. She looked surprised to see the two of them together. Which Jake guessed was a shock, he hadn't expected it either.

Rooster seemed to relax some when he saw that Haley was awake. Not fully, Jake imagined there was still plenty of anger toward him. Jake even had to admit, that was a low blow on his part. "We're at the hospital. Do you remember what happened?" Rooster asked her, seeming to be trying to ignore Jake standing there too.

"Yeah....we went into jet wash. Lost the engine....oh my God, Xavier? Is he okay?" Haley attempted to sit up a little further, but Rooster pushed her back down gently. Jake noticed how tenderly he touched Haley, he was very gentle with her. It was almost in a loving way. He wondered what that was about but Haley had also just been in a crash. He also knew Rooster looked at her sometimes in a way that Jake didn't like.

"I assume he's fine. I haven't heard otherwise. And he was awake when they picked you two up." Jake answered. "We'd probably know by now if he was killed so," He added with a shrug. That was news that would have spread fast.

"Not helping, dick." Rooster snapped.

Haley shook her head. "It's fine," She said. "When can I leave? And be cleared to fly?" She was starting to spit out rapid fire questions. She looked a little panicked, probably wondering if something would prevent her from flying again. Jake knew that was what he would be concerned with if he was in the one in the bed.

"They said tomorrow, and I don't know. I'm assuming a few days." Jake answered softly. "They said you were fine, probably got overheated." He hoped maybe that would calm her down some.

"I'm going to go see if I can find Mav. He went to call Xavier's parents to let them know what happened." Rooster said after a moment. He looked down at Haley. Jake noticed Haley looked like she didn't want Rooster to leave, almost as if she was disappointed he was going. She glanced at Jake before turning back to Rooster.

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