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Sure, he had saved me. He even carried me in his arms, but it was always done as a necessity. Never in such a bold show of affection as he was doing now.

It was at this moment that I thought about how attached the creature had become to me. And also how attached I had become to him. I knew now that even if we did escape this laboratory, I couldn't be apart from him. He was a part of my life now, and I was starting to believe I was a part of his.

I moved my arms, wrapping them around his neck to return the gesture. I felt his arms tighten around me in response and I smiled into his chest.

Unfortunately, the sound of approaching footsteps ruined the moment. Slowly, I leaned back from the creature, looking behind me to see who was coming.

The two remaining researchers had finally begun approaching, and to my surprise, Hunter had joined them. If his frown was any indication, he was done waiting.

The creature noticed him too, and he shifted, quickly putting me behind him as he glared at Hunter.

"We need to take a blood sample." Hunter spoke finally, crossing his arms across his chest expectantly.

The researchers beside him took a step forward in response, and I noticed the long syringes held delicately in each of their hands.

"What for?" I demanded, looking at Hunter over the creature's broad shoulders.

"I'm not permitted to tell you that." Hunter replied impatiently.

I scoffed. "Really?! After everything I've seen, there are still things you can't tell me?"

Hunter laughed darkly, "You'd be surprised just how much you don't know."

I opened my mouth to bite back but held my tongue. I knew a lot more than he thought I did. Hunter didn't know that I had read Dr. Grant's log, and he wouldn't find out. Not if I could help it.

"So, what will it be Miss Hawaii? Are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?" Hunter drawled, tilting his head to regard me with a smug look that sent my blood boiling.

But what choice did I have? I had to play along for now if my plan was going to work. Not to mention the fact that the hard way involved tasers and guns.

"The easy way please." I spit out, barely containing my discontent.

Hunter seemed satisfied with my answer and nodded to the researchers before taking his own leave. My eyes followed Hunter's retreat with suspicion before flicking to the people who began carefully approaching us.

The creature, however, showed no indication of making this easy. His muscles tensed and flexed beneath my fingers while he watched the two researchers inch closer.

Looking between the approaching people, I blinked upon recognizing one of the two researchers to be Austin. Our eyes met and I frowned.

"Just some blood and then we will be done for the day." Austin answered, looking at me apologetically.

I didn't bother to respond, I had nothing to say to him.

As they approached the creature shifted, pushing me further behind him with one arm as he got ready to attack. Austin's eyes met mine pleadingly, and I placed my hand on the creature's arm to steady him.

"Please." I whispered, pulling the creature to look at me. However, the creature barely glanced at me. Instead, he simply shrugged me off of his arm and kept pushing me gently further behind him. Keeping his focus on the approaching men.

I let out a frustrated sigh, moving back up to sit beside the creature who kept his eyes ahead. His jaw was clenched as he snarled at Austin and his fellow researcher. Looking over his face, an idea popped into my mind.

I had to get his attention, and this was the only thing I could think of.

With a steadying breath, I put my hands around the creature's neck and pulled myself up to his face, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. His skin was cool against my lips, and I could feel his whole body stiffen at my brazen action.

I pulled away slowly and my eyes met his searching ones. He seemed...confused but also very intrigued.

I felt a blush begin to form on my cheek until I realized that was probably his first and only kiss. It was like cold water had been poured over me when I realized just what I had done.

He probably didn't even know what a kiss was and I just forced it on him. I mean, it was on the cheek, but it was still a kiss. I rambled to myself internally cursing my stupidity. 

"I'm so sorry-" I began apologizing before I was abruptly cut off.

"Do that again." The creature ground out, his eyes burning into mine. His chest rose and fell with the rapid beat of his heart. As he looked between my lips and my eyes, I could tell he wanted more but wasn't sure what to do.

As much as I wanted to kiss him again, especially with the scorching way he was looking at me, I had to get him to cooperate first.

"Okay, but only if you promise you won't attack them." I pleaded, gesturing to Austin.

The creature ground his jaw as he thought, glancing at the men with a scowl.

I leaned in closer, "Please you have to trust me. I have a plan, but you have to trust me." I whispered beside his ear as the creature kept his focus on Austin and his syringe.

I saw the creature's shoulders relax, and he turned to look at me, "I trust you." He said softly, looking down at me.

Hearing those words flooded my body with warmth and happiness. I was so glad to have earned his trust, and I swore to myself I would do everything to keep it.

Looking away, I gave a quick nod to Austin who carefully approached and kneeled down beside us. The creature shifted, gently moving me aside with his arm so that he was in between Austin and I. Fearing he might attack, I wrapped myself around his arm, drawing the creature's attention from Austin back to me.

"This better not hurt him." I said lowly, glaring at Austin who was readying his syringe.

He shook his head, "It won't, I promise I will be quick."

I looked at the creature, "Ready?"

He nodded, not bothering to look at Austin carefully aligning the syringe to the veins in his arm. Instead, he was entirely fascinated with the fact that I was glued to his side.

Then, Austin inserted the needle.

Species Unknown [Book 2: Pisces)Where stories live. Discover now