I could be the chareter star!

252 10 2

Stop stop stop! Look what I drew. I hate it

Time: 16:12 Dec 13

As they layed down next to each other. They felt calm, Ranboo felt free and so warm with Tommy. He didn't feel the need to not say anything.

Tommy snuggles into his neck, Ranboo just enjoed it.

"Ranboo. Are you really okay?"

"I answer that question. But yes. Yes Tommy, I'm happy." Ranboo said sitting up from the position they were in.

"Just checking.." tommy said looking at his eyes. He really does have Beautiful eyes. Tommy stared into Ranboos eyes. He could stop looking.

"What ya looking at" Ranboo giggles as he ruffles his hair.

"Oh uh- sorry, I was just-" tommy was stuttering.

"I was just admiring- shit uh sorry. What am I saying!" Tommy covered his face in embarrassment.

"Hey-hey it's okay" Ranboo chuckles, he pulls tommy into his arms.

He caressed Tommy's cheek and whispered into his ear. "It's alright baby." Ranboo knew what he was doing, and tommy was going crazy. Tommy turned really red, Ranboo chuckled more when he saw.
Tommy and Ranboo was in the position of Hugging from the behind, Tommy in-between Ranboo legs and Ranboo just holding him.

"Sh-shut up!" Tommy said >:(

Ranboo lightly chuckled and snuggled into his neck. "When you do it's nothing eh?" Ranboo says.

Tommy kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to say anything.
"Aw quiet now?" Ranboo leaned over to his ear.

Tommy, immediately blushed more. "shut up, you know the consciousness." Tommy said.

"Sure." Ranboo laughed. Tommy had a smug look and turned around.

"I've done this before. Have you not learnt anything?" Tommy said.

"This isn't school." Ranboo smirked.

"You never went to school" tommy smiled and went closer to Ranboo.

"I know. I was homeschooled" Ranboo let tommy move him to the

"Oh shush" tommy said, and went up to his face. They kissed and just enjoyed it.

Both was enjoying it, but Tommy realized that he shouldn't do this. He shouldn't be enjoying this, he's friend just got broken up.
Ranboo bit he's bottom lip and Tommy made a quick noice.
The kiss broke off with a gasp from Tommy.

"Sorry- did i- just-.." tommy stuttered. Ranboo was purple and tommy was red. "I should of said sorry- I didn't ask" Ranboo scratched his head.
"It's okay Ranboo." Tommy says and pulls his collar to kiss him.

Ranboo blushed but enjoy went got it. They were making out? They finally took a breather, "so- are we boyfriends?" Tommy asked.

Ranboo didn't know how to answer. "Let's give it time? I don't want the term boyfriends, let's just be- uh-" Ranboo was confused. Tommy agreed, "yes buddies" Tommy said and gave a small kiss.

Ranboo was purple and held tommy in his arms.
They sat nicely and just enjoying their company.

I knew I wanted him.. just how am I going to break it down to Tubbo? Ranboo thought.

Touchy fr #bottombros dude I'm so sorry for posting short chapters

Time:22:59 Dec 13th

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