when you around I got a record-

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If your not happy with this book. Not my problem!

Time: 22:19 Dec 4th

After their night rest. Everyone was waking up and ready to eat breakfast.

Tommy stretched after he woke up. As he rubbed his eyes he was thinking about last night, what he did with Ranboo.

I was being so gay omg.

At this point I'm just proving Wilbur and Techno point.

But gosh, I licked him and sucked him. Okay wait no that sound wrong- but gosh... Why did I do that? I hate the guy, he made Tubbo hate me. He looks so cute when he turns purple, What- shut up!.

He face planted, "uhh Tom." Tommy groaned. He desided it's time to get ready.

Since it was cold Outside, Tommy wore his furry jacket, that looked like his cloak but smaller and shaped as a Jaket. Yes still the same shade of blue. He also wore the same boots and a black cargo pants with a dark red shirt on. He fluffed up his hair and put his crown on the way he likes it.

Ranboo woke up in a small panic but quicy calmed down because he realized where he was. He took a deep breath and sat up.
It took him like 5 minutes to regain consciences and actually realize things. After the 5 minutes he put his head back down on the pillow and just layed there.

He was thinking of tommy of course. What he did last night.

I'm platonically married to Tubbo, tommy cant do that. Especially if Tubbo catches us. What if he did? No- no he went to bed of course not....right? But anyway, Tubbo and I is ganna sit together when we watch the annual game. Some guy named Dream wanting to challenge techno. Dream doesn't stand a chance, I don't think dream and techno had met so...?

Ranboo just thought and then was reminded by a maid knocking on the door, "good morning sir" the maid greets behind the door.

"Good morning?" Ranboo asks.

"It's time to get ready for the games." She says in a nice tone.

"Oh- oh yes! I'll get ready now, thank you for telling me." Ranboo remembers and the maid left.

He jumped up from the bed went to the closest.
After long deciding on what to wear, he finally picked something.
Ranboo wore his suit, but this time with boots instead of the normal shoes he wears and a very dark brown, almost black fuzzy jacket on him. He's crown on his head and let his tail wiggle.

He walked out of the room and saw Tubbo in the hall way.
Tubbo turned around, and ran to hug Ranboo.

As they hugged, Tubbo mumbled "I know what you did with tommy last night." It wasn't clear but you could kinda hear it.

"What?" Ranboo said, Tubbo replyed with huh, acting dumb.

"What did you say about me?" Ranboo asked.

" I don'know what your talking about." Tubbo gave a smile and Ranboo just left it as that.

-time skip-

As they stood waiting with the guests outside of the stadium, Tommy's carriage had shown up.

"Do I really need to sit by the other 18 year olds?" Tommy asked very annoyed.

"Yes mate, you need to. Now stop whining, Your Brothers had to do it aswell." Phil said, as tommy sticked out his toungh in annoyance. Phil did the same and they both chuckled.

"Here's our stop." Wilbur says and the carriage finally took a stop.

They got out of the carriage and tommy instantly made eye contact with Ranboo. They stared at each other for a bit, Tubbo saw this happening and didn't like it.

"Heh-hey Ranboo.. your parents are calling you?" Tubbo lied and Ranboo slowly looked back at Tubbo.

"Huh, what?". Ranboo asked.

"Oh nothing- uh we should get inside. Infact we were just waiting for Tommy's family. So she'll we sexy?" Tubbo says and giggles.

Ranboo turned purple. "Do-dont call me that." Ranboo laughed a bit in that sentence. They both started laughing and started talking as they walk inside into the stadium.

-Time skip-

As they sit in their seats, Tommy sat next to Tubbo and Ranboo.

Techno wasn't with the family, he was going to fight Dream. One of the best fighters, and he was going to fight the actual best.

The reason why Techno will be fighting Dream is because techno needs someone to marry and for the past 4 years no one has been strong enough to beat him. So he told Phil that who ever can beat him, he will marry. And it's been four years people are starting to think he'll never be a king..
But sad for dream because he didn't even know the prise of winning. He didn't know if he would win, he'd be devoted to become someone's lover. And that lover was none other then he's enemy.

After the annual dance everyone will be dancing or eating.
Everyone from the kingdom was ready to for the fight. The bell just needed to ring and then we could be ready to fight.

My hand is sore from writing. Ow :(

-Time skip again-

Dream won the Battle. Techno was stunned out of his mind. Everyone was, but something about dream made him feel like he should let him win.

Tommy was so stunned.

"THATS OUT RAGES" tommy says to himself.

"Ladies and gental men. We have a winner Dream!" The host Jack manifold announces.
The crowd went whild.

-Time skip-because I don't know what to write there.-

Everyone was gatherd up by the large dining table. Everyone had a chair and dream and techno was sitting next to each other. As Wilbur was talking to Niki and Eret. Tommy was talking to Tubbo and Ranboo.
Everyone was socializing and waiting for the food to arrive.

The food finally arrived and everyone was served. Tommy sat next to Ranboo, As Ranboo was eating he's knee got touched by another knee.
It was Tommy, tommy got bored a bit and wanted to make trouble with Ranboo.

Ranboo looked over to Tommy and tommy just looked at him with a smirk.

"Stop it." Ranboo moved his mouth to say those words. Without actually saying it.

"No" tommy did the exact same thing what Ranboo did.

Tommy continued untill his food was taken away by the servants. While waiting for the next course of meal. This was the chance where tommy could tease Ranboo.

"Hey Ranboo~" tommy went close to Ranboo ear.

Ranboo started to get butterflies.

"What" Ranboo whispered back.

Instead of saying something tommy just took his hand and placed it on Ranboo's knee.

Ranboo face turned a bit purple.
"Oo look who's nervous again eh?" Tommy said.
Ranboo didn't feel uncomfortable he felt so shy.

"I'm not". Ranboo blurts out.

"How about now?" Tommy says and lifts his hand more up to his thigh.

Ranboo let out a noice, by the feeling of cold hands onto his warm skin.

His face was turning more purple by the second.

"Ooo someone's getting hard again~" tommy whispered again in his ear.

"OI TOMMY." Wilbur yelled. Tommy turned to see.

"What you up to there?"

"Nothing wil. Nothing at all." Tommy smirked and took his hands off of Ranboo.

Bye bye

Time: 23:59 Dec 4th
Words: 1231

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